request page !

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hello! welcome to my hololive oneshots request page! you are welcome to dm me your request or request here!
please use this form :

hololive member :
preferred length (ex. (100-200 words) short, (300-500 words) medium, (600-700 words)long, doesn't matter)  :
prompt :

rules :
- i do not mind a short prompt thats just hololive member x [adjective] reader, but please try to steer me into a certain direction.

- i can do smut it just depends on the member ( ex. i will not do smut for luna, it just feels wrong)

- any triggering topics will be reviewed by me and i will tell you if i am comfortable writing about it (all triggering subjects will have a trigger warning)

-if you have a problem with any of my one shots please tell me!! i want to know if i'm doing or i've said something wrong, thank you in advance.

- please be respectful toward me and all readers of this book!!!

-please keep any requests on this page related to hololive

- lastly, do not be afraid to request ! your idea is wonderful and should be shared !

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