author note

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I'm not sure if you guys have heard but Coco has released a statement regarding her departure from hololive and her last stream being on July 1st. This is gonna be extremely painful for all of us, as Coco is a big part of hololive and a massive reason a lot of us got into hololive, but we should all remain strong for Coco and support her in her final days before graduation. She has stated she cannot reveal the reason why and it also appears she is leaving on her own accord, please respect her decision even if it is painful for us. I can't do anything about speculation but please realize at some point it can be harmful.

-Please do not bring this up in the other girls' streams unless they bring it up themselves.
-Kanata has said Coco is not moving out of the Holohouse and plans on staying, at least for now.
- I believe Kanata said she cannot mention Coco after graduation, I'm not entirely sure but if it is please respect this rule. (edit : so apparently they can but like I said above, please do not bring her up in other streams unless she is explicitly brought up,, just like any other stream its kind of rude to bring up other streamers unless the streamer has brought them up first)
-Gen 4 will always be 5 members.
- Do not wish any ill attention toward Coco or any other hololive idol.

I personally wish Coco the best on whatever she decides to pursue and she'll always have a special place in my heart and the hearts of many others.
I love you motherfucker 👊😔

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