like a fool (gn! reader x iname)

454 14 1

ˢtarted,, july 1
ᶠinshed,, july 1
ᵀype,, fluff
ᵀrigger warning(s) : none
ᴿequested by : me 😚
ᴬuthor's note : i know this is bad and i planned on editing it but i really have no energy so take this i guess :')

you were in love with ina and ame. you had been for a while now,, even before they started dating. your heart fell into pieces when they broke the news to everyone but you smiled for them,, told them you were happy for them.

you were currently doing a karaoke live. now singing the song "like a fool", a song you didn't have to practice just because you sang it so often. it felt like one of the only songs that could truly sum up your feelings toward ina and ame. you usually only sang up beat songs or rap songs so this change was apparent and a little scary to your viewers.

your sigh was heavy and you could feel yourself frowning, then beginning to tear up as you sang the song.

you and your genmates had come over to hang out at the holoen house. everyone was snuggled up with each other except you and one of your other genmates, as you all watched random videos on the chromecast.

I want to tell you, without sounding awkward

you frowned as you turned to see ina and ame cuddling up together. so caught up with your own thoughts, you didn't seem to notice your fellow genmate offering you some candy.

But it won't turn out well, I'll look back and regret it

they saw your tongue poking the inside of your cheek, your gaze toward the lovers. they knew of your habit of doing that when you were jealous.

Like a fool. You're always in my heart

they sighed, bringing you toward them in a comforting hug, running their hands through your hair.

But I'm just impatiently waiting, yeah

you audibly sighed.

I'm like a fool

you leaned into your genmate, trying to distract yourself and perhaps fall asleep.

end of flashback

you began hiccupping as tears streamed down your face but, for some reason, you couldn't stop singing.

My feelings are becoming clearer
Gently getting closer, closer, closer to you, yeah
I want to come close and tell you
I'm in love with you
Tell me you too

the chat began going very quickly as you saw your gen mate leave a message in the chat, amidst your sniffling.

"you ok bub?"

that message made you completely breakdown, audibly sobbing. you quickly muted yourself, planning to try to calm your breathing. that was when there was a knock at your door.


you heard your name twice, the reasons why you were crying were at your door. you cursed under your breath. just your luck, they were here for business the day your brain decided to cry on stream. you quickly wiped your tears as you tried to make yourself more presentable.

"i'm fine!"

you shouted, your voice cracking. they obviously weren't buying it as they slowly opened the door. you quickly made your stream go offline, to be completely sure nobody could hear anything.

"guys, really i'm fine"

ame raised an eyebrow, there were quite literally tears still streaming down your face. ina opted to console you, wiping your tears, then pulling you up from your chair and into a hug. she began rubbing your back as ame began speaking.

" so g/n (gen mate's name) told us why you were crying"

you felt your face heat up as you pulled away slightly from ina, then fully pulling away. a feeling of shock flew through your veins. you never told g/n but you were sure they knew, they were uncomfortably observant.

"oh my god- i-i'm so sorry senpai's, i didn't even tell them but-"

you stopped talking when ame and ina smiled fondly at you. what you were unaware of was the gigantic crush both ina and ame had on you, it was completely clear to everyone but you. you immediately felt yourself melt when ina placed a small kiss on your forehead.

"you bozo.."

"ame be nice"

your face was painted with confusion, not understanding what they were talking about. ina giggled at your reaction as ame just face palmed.

"we're in love with you too bozo"

you paused for a moment before processing what she had said.

" you what?!"

you exclaimed, more shocked than confused now. they both just laughed at your reaction, oh how adorable you were to them. ina couldn't help but hug you, you expression was a surprised pikachu face. ame was about to throw out a funny quip but ina spoke before she did, pulling away from you but still holding onto your shoulders.

"if it is fine for you, we'd like to include you in our relationship"

your brain couldn't process this much all at once. you paused, you were thinking with 2000 ping. all you could do was nod in response, not able to get any words out. ame rolled her eyes before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, she thought you were absolutely adorable when you were incredibly confused.

you looked at ame with wide eyes before cutely pointing at your lips, prompting her to lean in slightly. she was immediately blocked by ina who kissed you for a good 5 seconds before pulling away, preventing you and ame from having a makeout session,, which ame usually initiated. ina smiled widely at the both of you.

"no make out sessions ame"

ame pursed her lips.

"i wasn't going to start one!"

ame exclaimed, lying through her teeth. you jumped, remembering the stream was still offline. you quickly just ended the stream, tweeting that you'd do another karaoke stream later in the week and that you were fine.

you grinned as you turned off your pc and turned back around to see that the 2 had made themselves at home on your bed. you smiled at them before jumping into bed with them, quickly being moved by the both of them into the middle where they cuddled into you from both sides. you smiled softly as the tiredness from crying kicked in and you fell asleep in their arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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