saved (kanata x coco)

247 14 1

ˢtarted,, April 13th
ᶠinshed,, n/a
ᵀype,, slight angst to fluff
ᵀrigger warning(s) : kidnapping
ᴿequested by : @the_world21
a/n : i haven't written in so long sorry for any discrepancies :D

coco almost immediately realized when kanata's room had gone quiet. it's not like kanata was always constantly making lots of noise but, there was always small-ish sounds that came from her room.

coco furrowed her eyebrows when she realized how long kanata had been quiet. it had been around 4 hours now but coco thought maybe she had gone out or something. she shrugged it off and continued working.

it had now been 3 more hours without a squeak from kanata's room. coco began to worry just a bit, deciding it might be time to go check on her. she changed so she was presentable and walked to kanata's living space.

she knocked exactly 3 times and after 30 seconds there was no response. she knocked again and, again, there was no response. coco eyebrows furrowed as she got even more worried.

"maybe she's just asleep...?"

coco whispered under her breath but decided to go in with her spare key just in case. when she opened the door she was greeted by a messy room. much of the furniture had been moved ever so slightly from its original place.

coco looked around, calling out for kanata.


no response.

"this really isn't funny come out already"


coco swore under her breath as she continued looking around. she stumbled upon a note.

"if you want her back, come to xxxx with 10,000"

coco narrowed her eyes at the note, reading it over and over again. was this just a prank? coco sighed, she swallowed her doubt and ran back to her room. she quickly grabbed her keys and jetted to the location written on the paper.

of course, she didn't bring the money requested by the kidnapper. instead, she equipped herself with a small to medium sized gun with a silencer attached to it. coco legally owned the gun and was trained to use it correctly but it was rare that she needed to.

the location was a dark abandoned building, coco swore once again under her breath. she held the gun cocked and her pointer finger on the trigger underneath her jacket. she walked as quietly as she could analyzing her surroundings.

it wasn't too long of walking around the building she had found kanata. she was tied to a support beam, with extra rope around her hands and her feet, also blindfolded. coco cringed at her state, she appeared to have been beaten by her kidnapper.

then, on cue, the kidnapper appeared from another room and walked toward kanata. they held a finger to kanata's chin, lifting her head up.

"maybe nobody's coming for you darling, that'd be unfortunate, wouldn't it?"

kanata cringed from their touched, very obviously uncomfortable. coco clenched her hand around the gun, getting anxious. she slowly moved closer, not being seen by the kidnapper.

"shut up"

kanata sighed, starting to get worried that no one had realized she had disappeared.

"that's not very nice"

the kidnapper cooed to kanata, smiling before they kicked her stomach, causing her to cough. coco lost it. she finally moved to attack, gripping the attackers neck and bringing them to the ground.


the attacker swore, trying to wiggle out of coco's grip. coco's grip only tightened, causing the attacker start choking. she had the attacker locked in her left arm, and her gun tightly gripped in her right hand. she brought it up to their head. coco thought about her choices before ultimately deciding to swiftly wack the attackers head, knocking them out.

coco dropped them immediately running to kanata, untying her as quickly as she could. kanata flinched.

"you're ok now"


"yes, it's me"

coco removed the blindfold and pulled a knife from her pocked, cutting the rope adhering kanata to the support beam and then cutting the other 2 sets of rope ties. kanata's eyes widened as she remembered, there was 3 of them.


kanata said weakly, trying to warn coco of the other attackers. right on time, the other 2 arrived before kanata could finish her sentence, immediately running to grab coco.


coco exclaimed as the 2 kidnappers grabbed her arms and moved her away from kanata. they began beating her, assuming that kanata was too weak to fight back at the moment. kanata looked up her eyes still fighting to keep themselves open.

immediately as she saw coco being severely beaten, something awoke in her. she quickly moved to grab the gun coco set down beside her when she was untying her and aimed it at the 2 other kidnappers. she quickly shot them down, aiming toward their legs.

they both immediately fell, writhing on the floor holding their wounds. kanata immediately ran to coco, helping her up and rushing out of the building with the gun and knife in her pocket. coco had somewhat recovered from her injuries, grabbing the keys from her pocket and running to her car.

as soon as they had both entered the vehicle, coco quickly sped away.

"are you ok kanatan?"

kanata, running on adrenaline, had only just realized how her injuries felt. a surge of pain ran through her body but she insisted she was fine. coco pretended to believe her but knew she'd be tending to her wounds when they got home.

when they arrived, coco immediately walked kanata to her room, setting her down on the bed.

"i'll be back give me a second"

kanata just nodded as coco quickly walked to the bathroom for the first aid kit. once coco came back she asked kanata if she had bad wounds underneath her shirt. kanata nodded, pulling her shirt up to reveal a relatively deep knife wound. coco's eyebrows furrowed as she clenched the alcohol in her hand.

she dabbed the cotton pad with alcohol, dabbing it on the wound, causing kanata to hiss.

coco frowned but continued her work, placing everything to cover the wound and then began focusing and smaller wounds kanata had.

once she finished she looked up at kanata, who was barely functioning. she took it upon herself to change kanata's clothes so she could sleep, she didn't think kanata had the energy to get up and shower.

kanata sighed, unconsciously crawling up to the bed and covering herself with the blanket, soon after falling asleep. coco smiled a bit, patting kanata's head and placing a small kiss on it.

"night kanatan"

ayo my bad for this being so late i got caught up with school work 🕴

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