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Becas' Birthday will be tomorrow but obviously she's not excited its just because she don't like attentions. She can't refuse her boss offer to her that's why she said yes. She can't sleep either because she is still thinking about their plans and about the flight of her family after her birthday celebration. She is excited for the releasing of their project but sadness and pain still in her heart.

While staring at the window, she decided to take a look for her whole family for the last time they will slept together in that one big condominium, cherishing every moment they had shared in her condominium. Cherishing all the memories they will left. Beca can't stop asking herself, why they need to get through this downfall? They haven't experience anything like this before.

Beca is so restless, she will going to missed her whole family especially her mom and Chloe. She stared at Chloe and she saw her in deeply asleep so she decided to go to everyone's room. She slowly opened the door while staring to Chloe. She went first at Jessica and Ashleys' room. She looked at them for 10 minutes and her teary eyes started to run down again in her cheeks.

She opened the door of Chynthia Rose, Flo and Lilys' room, she can't stop crying silently while looking at them for about 10 minutes also. Afterwards, she went on Stacie, Baby Bella and Aubreys' room, Beca was stocked her feet while looking at them crying. She want to cry everything but she refused herself.

She also went to Emily and Fat Amys' room, when she is at the door, she kept on crying while thinking about how Amy take good care of her when they are just together. Amy became her fortress in every downfalls and stressed she went through for how many months and now? She have to let them all go, for they own sakes. She also believed in Emilys' passion in music industry but for now Beca Mitchell is out in helping her to achieve her dreams, for just a moment.

She also visited Jesse and Theos' room, and while staring at them she didn't stop crying, these two boys become her bestfriends and protectors since she started working in music industry. Still, she can't believe she will stay there alone. She kept on crying and crying until she reached her mothers' room. She was shocked when she opened her mothers' door.

"I know you can't sleep, I am too"
--- Her mom suddenly spoke after opening the door. Beca walk towards her mom and sat in front of her.

"I really feel so restless mom. I am going to miss all of you"
--- Beca said and she started to cry again while hugging her mom.

"I know my child. We will all going to miss you too. Stop thinking. Relax it's your birthday tomorrow okay? You know you can sleep beside me"
--- Her mom said while caressing Becas' hair.

"Mom? I have these envelope in my hand, I want you to promise me, you can only opened this when the time comes that Mr. Reynolds will going to visit you all at New York okay?"
--- Beca said, her mom started to cry too, she felt Becas' goodbye for all of them.

"So you are now lending us your goodbyes, that's it?"
--- Her mom sweetly asked her daughter. Beca hold her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Just for now mom. Bye for now. Soon we will see each other again. You trust me right?'
--- Beca said while wiping her mothers' tears. She hugged her so tight.

"I trust you dear. I am willing to wait even if it will lasts forever?"
--- Her mom said, Beca chuckled a little bit before hugging her mom again.

"I love you mom, always remember that"
--- Beca said, her mom hugged her daughter while caressing her hair at her back.

"I know my child. Always remember too that I love you and I will always with you"
--- Her mom said, and Beca nodded at her.

"I will always remember that mom, and I will always carry that no matter where I go. Can I sleep here?"
--- Beca said, she went to her mothers' side and she begin to fix her mom's blankets and pillows.

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