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What I dreamed last night is so bad I can't take that feeling, it was a nightmare. After I went to the hospital I felt so terrible and it seems like there is a burden inside my heart. I woke up from that nightmares, I felt so afraid, angry and restless what that it means?

I dreamed about Beca, she was in trouble, she have her flight to Los Angeles and the plane crashed. I don't want this dream I have a bad feeling for it. How can we avoid this? This is only a dreamed but it feels like reality.

I looked at my side, Beca wasn't here. I looked at Amy's bed and she even wasn't there. I felt so nervous and restless, I fastly went downstairs to see Beca, I am worried and nervous. I really want to see her knowing that she's fine.

"Chloe, you look anxious why?"
--- Aubrey asked me and all the Bellas is looking so worried, I didn't see Beca.

"Where is Beca? Where is she?"
--- I asked them and they all shocked and surprised

"Chloe, are you okay? Beca didn't leave you"
--- Stacie said to me. I really felt so restless I want to see her now.

"Where is she? Call her please?"
--- I asked them and they are looking with each other.

"Chloe relax you looked so nervous. Are you sick?"
--- Emily asked me too and I don't answered her. I am so worried. My tears started to fall

"What's wrong in here? Chloe are you okay?"
--- We all looked at the door and saw Amy and Beca, I can't helped myself but to run to her and hugged her so tight. I even cried to her.

"Chloe was looking for you Becs, she looked so nervous, anxious, worried and the hell? What's wrong with her?"
--- Stacie said and I am just hugging Beca.

"You okay Chlo?"
--- Amy asked me and I nodded at her.

"Come on Sweetie, you need to calmed down, stop crying I am here now okay?"
--- Beca said and I felt so comfortable, I sat at my chair and Beca is standing next to me.

"So how's your appointment Becs and Amy?"
--- Aubrey suddenly asked them and I just looked at Beca.

"Ahm it's good, and Sweetie we already talked about this right? Amy and I? Going to Los Angeles?"
--- My heart beats so fast when I heard that, I felt so nervous, what does she mean?

"Ah --- ahm yes, and why?"
--- I asked her and she looked everyone of us

"So how's really your appointment Mitchell?"
--- Stacie asked her again, I just bent down and averted my eyes from them.

"It goes so well, we already have our passports so we will go to Los Angeles as soon as possible to pro ----"

--- I answered and I didn't finished what she was saying.

"Wh --- what?"
--- Beca is looking at me seriously.

"I said NO!!!!"
--- I said to her again.

"Chloe what's wrong?"
--- Amy asked me too. I didn't looked at them.

"Chloe? Is there any problem? Are you sick?"
--- Cynthia asked me, they all looked so worried.

"Sweetie? Are you okay? It doesn't sound like you? If we have a problem you know we can talk about it"
--- Beca said, I don't know what I am going to say.

"Maybe it was just a part of her pregnancy understand her Becs"
--- Stacie said to her and Beca just nodded.

"Okay, but we have our flight tomorrow night"
--- Beca said and I felt so angry

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