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"Finally we got home, congratulations to us and especially to Beca you received so many Grammy Awards, well you deserved it Becs"
--- Aubrey said while they are seating at their couch.

"Yeah, Congratulations Becs and to all of you Bellas"
--- Theo said to them as he go to refrigerator and get some beers.

"I never thought the Bellas will be like this, I hope we are like this too, the Treblemakers"
--- Jesse said and he sighed so deeply.

"Well, you have us Jesse, you are one of the Treblemakers but we are family now, right? Bellas or Trebles? The important is, we are in this together as one family"
--- Aubrey said and they all smiled to Jesse.

"So for that? We need to celebrate! Where's the beer? Let's drink!"
--- Chloe said, they all stand and get their bottle of beers, they are about to drink when Beca realized something.

"Wait! You? What? You will drink? You forget that you are pregnant? Give me that."
--- Beca said and Chloe give the beer to her. All of them realizes that Chloe is pregnant.

"We forgot!!! Our joy and happiness carried us away"
--- Amy said and they all looked worried to Chloe.

"I will make milk for you just sit down Sweetie"
--- Beca said and they all chuckled. Chloe groaned a little and they all laughed.

"So sweet Becs."
--- Stacie said and they all teasing Chloe.

"Well, thank you so much guys, for all the cheered I heard at the awards night, thank you for everything, Theo and Jesse thank you for always there for me and for Amy when the Bellas isn't there for us, thank you for keeping us safe and for the guidance. All the awards I had received tonight? Its for all of us. Bellas, Sweetie, Jesse and Theo, thank you so much for the love and acceptance you all give to me, always remember this guys, I love you so much, so much"
--- Beca said as she walks towards them, they all touched by Becas' words, they cheered and started to have serious conversation again.

"You know that we love you Becs"
--- Amy said and Beca smiled at them. They continue celebrating and suddenly there is a phone ringing, Beca recognizes that it is her phone, then she get it from the top of the table and get a little space to answer the call. While she is a little far from them, Chloe started a conversation.

"Guys, do you think it is the right time to tell Beca the truth about her mother?"
--- Chloe asked them, they all looked first to Becas' place and they started to discuss about that issue.

"Not now Chlo. The best thing we need to do first is to talk to her mother"
--- Flo said and they all thinking about that.

"It is a good idea, you have Becas' mom calling card right? Call her tomorrow so that we can finally meet her"
--- Cynthia Rose said and they all nodded as a sign if their agreement.

"Of course without her for the meantime"
--- Jessica said while pointing to Beca.

"So you really meet her mother? What about me?"
--- Emily asked them and she looked so frustrated.

"I do Ems, but please don't tell her."
--- Chloe said to Emily and the younger lady nodded to her.

"Well, I can help you. Just tell me if you will going to meet her mom tomorrow and I will be the one who destruct Beca. Just let me handle her"
--- Emily said, the happiness in their eyes are there, they all smiled to her and give high five to her.

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