Chapter Three

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"AGH!" Everyone yelled as they fell onto the ground.

"What just happened?" Dream asked, looking around at the unfamiliar area.

"I don't know!-" Sapnap started but got cut off.

"I..  I think I just teleported us.." Karl says, looking at the other 5.

"What?" Sapnap didn't know what to say to that.

"Yeah, I think I have teleportation powers!" Karl replies.

"Cool!" Dream says.

"But...  Where did you teleport us?" Bad asked.

"Uh-" Karl cut himself off as he looked around, not recognizing the area. "I don't actually know..."

"WHAT?!" Skeppy yelled.

"Shush! We don't know if they are nearby!-" Dream responds.

"Shut up Dream!" Skeppy yells.

"...I'm just trying to keep us safe.." Dream responds, his voice low with sadness.


"...You don't know why I do that." Dream responds, trying to not yell.

"Tell me why then!" Skeppy yells.

"I do this so you wouldn't end up like how George ended up!" Dream yells back.

The other 5 flinch at Dream yelling and freeze at him mentioning George.

"..Dream..." Skeppy says, voice low.

"No, just leave.  I'm fine on my own." Dream says, walking off.

"Dream, wait! Don't leave-" Skeppy says but gets cut off at sudden yelling.

"HELP!" The other 3 in the group yelled.

Skeppy and Dream turned around to see them with the other 3.

"Get away from them!" Skeppy yells, running at them with a metal iron sword.

The agent he was running at grabbed a plasma bazooka out and aimed it at Skeppy. "Make your next moves wisely." The agent says.

Skeppy ignored what he said and ducked out of the radius of the plasma bazooka.

He ran towards where Bad and one of the agents were.

"BAD!" Skeppy yelled as he threw his sword at the agent like jousting.  The agent tried to block but he failed.

"Geppy!" Bad yelled as he hugged Skeppy.

"Lovely reunion." The agent with the plasma bazooka said.

Skeppy turned around with Bad hiding behind him.

"Leave." Skeppy hissed.

"No.  I don't think I will." The agent said, aiming the plasma bazooka at Skeppy and Bad.

"I'm sorry Bad, I have to do it..." Skeppy somewhat whispers.

"No! Geppy!" Bad whines, tears threatening to spill from his voidless eyes.

Skeppy used his powers and made a diamond wall shield around Bad.

"Stay safe, Bad." Skeppy smiled and ran to the agent with the plasma bazooka.

As the agent was about to fire the plasma bazooka, Skeppy threw a diamond dagger at it, destroying it.

"NO!" The agent yelled.

Skeppy smirked but it quickly went away as he noticed all the other agents swarming where he and Bad were.

Skeppy made another diamond wall shield but made it bigger and made it around him and Bad.

"Leave." Skeppy hissed again.

Skeppy's vision became blurry as he became a bit dizzy and the mini wall that was around Bad started disappearing.

"SKEPPY!" Bad yelled and ran towards him and picked him up before he collapsed onto the hard, dirty ground.

"Hey Bad.." Skeppy said, sounding tired.

"I told you before not to use your powers! You know it uses up all your energy!" Bad yells at Skeppy.

"I know.. I just couldn't let them hurt you." Skeppy says.

"STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" An agent yelled, staring at the two.

Bad's eyes widened but he couldn't move, he couldn't carry Skeppy but he couldn't just leave him here to die.

The agent could hear footsteps behind him so he quickly shot his plasma gun without looking what the gun hit and turned around in time for Dream to stab him with his sword.

"Never follow me or my friends EVER again." Dream yelled as he took the sword out and the agent collapsed to the ground.

Dream heard sobbing and he turned around to see Bad, hugging an unconscious Skeppy.

He gasped and quickly ran over. "What happened?!" He asked.

"When Skeppy uses his powers, he uses too much energy.." Bad continued. "Then he collasped and I came over here and saved him but then that agent shot him with some type of gun!" Bad yelled, sadness in his voice.

Dream's eyes widened. "Do we have any health potions?" Dream asked.

Karl looked through their bags. "Nope." He said.

Dream took out his phone and looked at his gps app.

"There's a nearby hospital.  I don't know if they accept creatures like us or not.." Dream spoke.

"How far?" Sapnap asked.

"Two kilometres away." Dream responded.

"I don't think we can get there in time!" Bad yelled.

Dream's eyes shined and it looked like he got an idea.  He turned towards Karl, looking at him with a strange look that it looked like he was trying to ask him something.

"Oh.  I see what you're implying." Karl says.

"Do you think you can do it? You brought us here." Dream says, the other two confused on what they're talking about.

"I might need an image of the place." Karl says.

Dream brings up the gps app again and shows him a picture of the area where the hospital is.

"Let's see if this works.  Come here Bad." Karl says.

Bad scoots over to them with Skeppy in his arms.

Karl closed his eyes and the mist from before showed up, the light blinding like before and when the mist disappears, they're gone.

Become The Hunter, Not The Hunted - Dream SMP Superpowers AUWhere stories live. Discover now