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It was past noon.

Almost five days since Gohan and Kakarot's arrival to this world.

And everyone had gotten comfortable with Gohan and Kakarot being around.

Sakuro had even gotten friendly enough with them to add 'kun' to their names.

Nothing much fazed Kushiko .

The blond didn't take much time to adjust and treated the half-Saiyans like she'd known them for years.

She also grew affectionate over Gohan.

Not like he would notice.

Because he didn't.

That's one trait passed down from father to son.

As for Satsuki...well, not much progress had been made there.

The stoic genin almost seemed to regard Gohan as a threat.

Or perhaps she didn't consider the fighter human because of his method of arrival in this dimension.

It was the same with Kakarot.

She never talked to him.

She would stare at Kakarot though.

Making him feel very uncomfortable.

Could he say that he was scared of Satsuki?

Sure why not?

Whatever the reason or whatever the case with Satsuki the Uchiha rarely said anything to their newest arrivals.

And when she did her answers were monosyllabic and cold.

After a particularly frosty snub...


Decided that he would take it up with Kazumi.


"Hey, Kazumi?" The silver-haired jounin looked down at the young warrior.


"What's with Satsuki? She's always blowing me off and she's always staring creepily at Kakarot. He's practically scared of her now. What's her deal?" His reward for the question was an eye-smile from the Copy-nin.

"Don't let it get to you, Gohan." Hatake replied. "Satsuki has a lot of grief in her past. The Uchiha clan was once a very prominent clan within Konohagakure. They had everything. Power. Prestige. They commanded the police force within Konoha. The Uchiha even had a very powerful Kekkei Genkai called the Sharingan. Satsuki had even more, being the daughter of the Clan Head at the time. Then her sister decided to go rogue."


"Yeah. Uchiha Izumi was the single greatest genius that the clan ever produced. Then, for whatever reason, she decided to kill her entire clan."

"The entire clan?" Gohan was clearly shocked by the masked Kunoichi's story.

It was akin to his father.

Son Goku.

Who was sent to earth to butcher the entire human race.

Kazumi nodded at Gohan's exclamation.

"Yeah. Everyone including his own family. Except for Satsuki. No one knows why Izumi left Satsuki alive, but the big thing now is Satsuki is driven by the desire to restore her clan and kill Izumi. To that end, she has gotten it into her head that she doesn't need anyone but herself to do what she desires. I know Kushiko told you not to personally and she's right. Satsuki's like that with everyone." That was the only major thing that happened that day.

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