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Five minutes later and Team Seven /Sakuro included/ were all staring up at the struggling and swearing Rain-nin dangling some twenty feet over their heads.

Kakarot dusted his hands and smiled: That oughta teach him. Huh? Hey what's wrong with you Sakuro?

"Was...that all necessary?" He asked, deadpan.

"Think of it as a morale booster, Sakuro-kun!" Kushiko answered brightly, draping an arm over his shoulder. "At his expense!" There was a crack of bone on bone and then Kushiko 's twitching feet were where her head should've been.

"Hands off, Baka!" Sakuro said

Allowing Inner Sakuro to seep through for an instant.

The reason for the conversation in the first place was that their assailant was hanging upside down from his ankles.

His arms were bound behind his back, and a massive gash cut into the back of his wetsuit.

From which his boxers, white with red polka dots, had been pulled out and the waistband stretched until it was covering his eyes.

Kakarot: Hey Satsuki? What do you think? We go overboard or No?

Satsuki had been almost dismissive when she saw it. "Honestly Kakarot, too original." She remarked.

"Shut the hell up, Satsuki-bitch! It was the best I could do! It's not like we're in Konoha or something!" Said Kushiko .

Kakarot: Aye! Watch your language! 11 year old in the mist you know! And Satsuki's not a you know what! You take that back!

Gohan and Sakuro just looked at each other and shrugged, knowing there was no way to break the three bickering friends up.

And then this strange feeling surged through Kakarot and Gohan and set them on edge.

But before they could do anything, a massive wind swept through the area they were in.

Everyone was a tangle of flying limbs as they all tried to dodge one way or another.

Satsuki and Sakuro got clear.

Kakarot and Gohan and Kushiko ?

They weren't so lucky.

Gohan would've made it too, except that Kakarot had jumped into him right as he was getting ready to faze away and knocked him over.

Then both of them got slammed and swept away by the rush of chakra that followed the wind.

Satsuki emerged from the bush she'd managed to hide under right when the wind hit.

She'd noticed Kakarot and Gohan's sudden tensing.

When the boys tensed like that, it generally meant something bad was on the way.

Thankfully she'd managed to move fast enough.


"Satsuki-chan?" It was Sakuro, his own bush rustling as he emerged from it.

Satsuki held a single finger to her lips, making him be quiet.

Something, some indefinable force, was making the last of the Uchiha's neck hairs stand on end.

A shiver, like cold water wending its way down her spine, caressed her body, raising goosebumps on her arms.

Whatever was out there, she really didn't want to meet it.

A Saiyan's DilemmaWhere stories live. Discover now