⌜ nineteen ⌟

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dada, why did barbie get mad when the little moon was being close with eleven?❞ sian asked in the most innocent manner as he was being dressed by his father, because they'll be eating dinner with everyone.

buttoning the dress shirt, hansol raised a brow at the question. ❝barbie?

sian nodded his head as he waddled towards the body mirror to show how responsible he can be by fixing his hair. ❝cess, she always gives eleven that bad look. i mean, i equally despise shi yi, but he isn't doing anything aside from dami being friendly and close to him.

it took hansol a short while before letting out a chuckle, finally understanding what his son meant. ❝did cess say anything to you?

no,❞ the boy can't remember a time that the female suh had explained to him why she's like that. ❝but little moon told me that she likes eleven.

hm, she does?❞ walking up to his son, the man did the honors of being the one brushing his hair instead since it looks like all he did is messing it up.

yeah, but what does liking have to do something with it? i don't get why cess is so mad about it.❞ sian showed a pout but his face was lifted up when he saw that he, now, looks presentable for the dinner they are going to have.

it's a different like that she's referring to.❞ the man told him.

not getting it, sian tilted his head to the side. ❝what do you mean by that, dada?

having a small smile plastered on his face, hansol crouched down right in front of his son as he let the boy face him. ❝the kind of like that your dada and mama has.

oh,❞ a frown immediately made its way to the boy's face as soon as he has come to finally understand. ❝does she want to marry eleven?

a light chuckle was head coming from the mad, finding it amusing at how curious and innocent his kid is. ❝maybe it's not yet at that point, but if you guys are old enough, she might think of that happening one day in the future.

that's when it clicked to him, making sian lower his head to show disappointment. ❝i can now feel what thirty is feeling.

hansol almost let out a snort at how his son keeps on addressing the female suh with so many nicknames. though, he can't blame his kid for that since it has already been an inside joke between them. ❝what do you mean?

playing with his fingers, sian was hesitating to say it, but nonetheless, it slipped right out of his mouth. ❝dada, what if i also like eleven?

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