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It's been three days since the incident and what happened is already all over the news. I haven't sleep properly thinking where she's flew at after the fight with her mother that caused fire in their home and killed her mother. The authorities reported the cause of death and it's because of suffocation due to the thick smoke from the fire but even with that they still consider Sandy as the prime suspect since she is the last person that the victim talk, more so, argued.

They even concluded that she intentionally lit the house to fire because of their argument, heck with them! She won't do that! I know her and she can't do that even given the chance she still can't and won't do such thing!


I look at my door and saw dad standing. He walks closer to me and pat my shoulder.

"I know you are having a hard time but you can't keep on acting like this especially when your brother is around. You know he's trying to act cool despite his condition yet you are giving him negative vibes and that worsen his condition" dad said. Fuck! I know. And I also wasn't happy with what is happening to me. When I get back to the hospital that day my mother immediately came to me and ask where Sandy is. She keeps on saying things that can make me feel better but I wasn't having it and it also adds up when the doctor announced that my brother needs to undergo surgery to get the tumor to prevent it from spreading and getting bigger. I feel so fucked up!

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm going to talk to him and apologize."

"Okay, that's good. And also get some rest and take a shower. You stink so bad!"

"Right! My bad. I will"

After that conversation with dad, I immediately took a shower and went to my brother.

Later that day when I went to the university to pass my essays for the past three days where I didn't want to attend classes so my profs and instructor gives me essays to ponder. As I got out from the department office, I heard Sandy's name being mentioned, so I walk closer to where those voices came from.

"I heard from my mom's friend where she lives just around the neighborhood where that Sandy girl live, okay, she quoted, 'Meredith usually beat Sandy because she always caught her stealing money!' OMG! She's a thief the reason why every time we corner her, she got so many bruises. That filthy bitch!"

"Hmm, so what we did to her is just right cause she's worst!"

"I miss slapping her though, if I crossed path with her right now, I will slap her real, real, real hard."

"But girl, she's a murderer now she might kill you too! She upgraded from being a thief now a murderer. What a piece of trash"

I stilled. From what I've heard they bully her when she's not with me. And stealing money? No, of course not! I balled my fist and walks towards them, fuming mad. I was about to lashed at them but Miggy stop me and I think he heard it too that's why he stopped me.

"Dude, calm down! Let's go, Jesus don't cause a scene and worst with the girls" he dragged me out and made me sat on the kiosk.

"They bully her, Miggy and I don't have a slightest idea that she's being bullied!" I spat angrily. He sat beside me.

"Yes, me too but that's not the worst dude" he said it nervously which made me feel uneasy with how his voice sounded like.

"What do you mean?"

"You were absent for three days since the incident and uh... shit I don't know how to say this---"

"Cut it, Miggy just say it!!" I cut him off and slam my hand at the back rest that made him startled.

"OKAY! I'M SORRY! I just heard it from the seniors that Sandy was involved in drugs and she even is the supplier!"


I fell silent. We fell silent. He looks at me waiting for my reaction. I grasp for air because I feel like I just lost it. I put my hands in my head and turn around. I am breathing heavily with that news. What the hell is going on? First is, she is being bullied for God knows how long and now she is involved in drugs?! WHAT THE FCK IS REALLY GOING ON SANDY?!!!


I said when I finally got to find my voice. My hands are still shaking but now I'm a bit calmer. I look at Miggy straight in the eye.

"No. Sandy is not that kind... of person. She's fucking innocent dude!"

I was shaking my head while saying those words. I don't believe those scumbag seniors. They're staining her name just because of what happen to her recently.

"Dude, I know. I couldn't believe it at first. I defended her, I do but one of my friends showed me a photo of her handing a fucking bag full of cocaine! I don't want to judge her but I'm in doubt now if she really is innocent."

I aggressively grab his collar and look at him angrily.

"SHE. IS. INNOCENT. Whatever they are saying are all hoax and full of shit! Why would you believe them when they don't even know her personally? Ha!?"

He tries to take my hands off of him but I'm too angry to let go. He sighs and he looks pain of my hold.

"I know. But dude they have proof of it and I can't help myself but to believe them. And the seniors are all looking for her because their money is—"

"FCK YOU! ALL OF YOU!!!" I cut him off and pushed him.

" I swear man I'm not going to believe them if they did not provide me evidences and they seem to know her too well." he said convincing me about what he discovers.

"Stop before I punch you hard on your face!" I said with warning. He seems to understand that I do not want to hear any more of this bullshit.

I turnaround and walk fast leaving him there. Seeing his face and hearing his voicewill made me lose my mind and punch him till he dies.

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