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It was like ice being poured into my head when I heard that information I didn't know about Sandy. It was like back to zero of knowing her. She was just too good at pretending that I didn't notice. All I know about her is just the surface of her being, I did not know she has deep dark side.

"Dude, quit drinking already. And for the love of whosever above! You shouldn't threaten Kevin earlier. Tsk" Miggy said. Breaking the silence.

I look at him a little angry. "aren't you mad? The way he calls Sandy names, Miggy. It isn't maddening to you?" I respond to him with gritted teeth.

He clicks his neck and face me. "Look, even if he calls her a lot of names it doesn't matter. What matter is what we think of her after hearing those things about her. And you dare threaten him on his den!"

I look away and finish my glass of rum. I shouldn't be drinking right now because I still need to go home. But to hell with that, I'm puzzled. Angry. Desperate.

"I was on the verge of kneeling to Kevin because of what you said to him! He is known for being so short tempered. Good thing he was on the mood earlier. Ha! I should've brief you before we go in." he continued his rant about my little stunt to Kevin.

"Why does his name so familiar to you? You say his name like you guys is an old friend." I suddenly ask. He froze for a second and then look at me like I'm stupid for even saying.

"Are you crazy? Did you hit your head? Why would I associate myself to him?" he said disbelief of what I said. He poured me a glass and give me a toss before drinking his own drink.

"Fine, if you say so. Why would you anyway. Those guys are bad news." I spoke.

The next morning, mother bombarded me with so many questions about why I was so drunk when I got home.

"Do you have a problem, Jandrick? You know you can come to me. It's not your habit drinking a lot till you passed out. What is wrong?" mom asked worriedly.

I massage my head because it's throbbing so bad. Maybe, this is what they call hungover?

"I'm fine, mom. I just enjoyed drinking last night I didn't notice how many glasses I finished." I spoke. I walk to my bathroom to take a shower and mom stop asking me about it when I close the bathroom door.

Water is dripping on my face and my thoughts lingered to what happen yesterday. Where should I start? I need to find Sandy. I want to hear it from her. All the things she did not tell me.

When I recall our moments together, it wasn't her who keep on clinging. It was me. It wasn't her who keep on asking to go on rides together, to go to our 'favorite place', to study together. It was all on me. I never heard her ask me to do things together. I tell her everything, my problems, my worries, my achievement, my dreams. But she... never told me anything, all the small details about what she like, I only know base on my observation not her telling me those.

I don't know what to do with all these information about her. The way that Kevin talks about her is far way different of my view of her. It turns upside down in an instant.

"Sandy... where are you?"

I have a lot of questions and I badly want her to answers those. To enlighten me so that I could feel like I do know her and they don't.

Two days passed and I saw Kevin with his friends at the canteen, laughing loudly and just messing around. I saw familiar faces among them, I can't quite figure out where I saw them.

I was lost in thoughts when I realize they were looking at me already. I blink and look away.

Shit. I look back and saw Kevin looking at me with a smirk. I glared at him with so much anger. Wait till I know the truth and prove you wrong about Sandy. Ill make sure to make you pay for calling her names.

I was so pissed the rest of the day till I realize I haven't seen Miguel. I dial his phone while walking to my car. I was about to open the door when I catch a glimpse of a hooded person beyond the woods.

"Sandy...?" I mumble as we look at each other in this distance. I drop my things and started walking towards the person. I couldn't be wrong I know that silhouette so well. I started walking faster when she turns her back at me and started running.

"SANDY!" I shouted and started chasing her.


I was panting hard and keep cursing. Branches are cutting my arms.

"SANDY! PLEASE! WAIT UP" I was clearly begging for her to stop but she won't listen.

We are now far from the parking lot and as desperate as I am, I don't even care.

Still running and chasing her when I stoop my foot wrongly causing me to stumble.

"Ah fck! Shit..." I curse. Feeling the stirring pain I felt with my ankle. When I look at Sandy, I saw that she stops too which lift my hopes up. I tried standing despite the pain I felt.

"Sandy..." I speak.

I stood in one leg, panting looking at her back. She has his hoodie up that makes me hard to see her face. But her silhouette and her physique are similar to her.

I couldn't be more wrong. This is Sandy. When I was about to approach her, I heard Miguel calling my name nearby that made Sandy alert.


She looks left and right and Miguel's voice is nearing. She started running again and I was about follow her but because of my swollen ankle I fell.

"Nooo!" I shouted. Grunting and hissing, Miguel appeared.

"Jandrick! Fuck! What happen to you?! And the fuck man, what the fuck are doing running off here in the woods!" he scolded me. He helps me get up and towards the parking lot.

On the way home, he scolded me with a lot of cursing here and there. And I remained quite of what really happen. I was still at that moment of chasing her. Pursuing her.

I know she needed help. She needed me. If she is afraid then I shouldn't be afraid. For her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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