☁ Chapter two: Where we belong ☁

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☁ Chapter two: Where we belong ☁

Knocking resonance around his room as he stirred awake. Hearing the knocking stop, he dived back to sleep until he heard restless knocking continue. Groaning, he sat up. His bed hair is even worse than his mood. "Come in." He grunted. The door opened revealing his Butler Iori with a push tray filled with breakfast viands. 'Breakfast in bed? How sweet.' He scoffed, denying the warm in his chest. "Maybe I'll forgive you this time." He mumbled, earning a confused look from his butler.

"Master and The Mistress headed out early in the morning for an abrupt meeting with the company's branches here in Okinawa. I figured that you might want to eat your breakfast alone than in the dining room. I apologize if that's not the case, I can escort you to the dining room." He stated, furrowing his eyebrow in guilt. [Y/N] couldn't help but stare at his considerate butler.

"Of course breakfast in bed is appreciated. Who wouldn't love a wife so considerate like you? I could kiss you." He bluntly replied and the butler sputtered, face red. He coughed and regained his composure as if it never happened. [Y/N] smirked, taking a bite. "Hmm, I don't remember eating these kinds of rich flavored food. Yesterday's dinner was kind of bland. Did you prepare this?" He asked. Iori nodded.

"The madam instructed me to prepare you meals applicable to the strict diet she created but I believed that something sweet can give you energy for the day. So, I added a small serving of Honey pancakes." He stated, his smile blinding [Y/N].

[Y/N] blinked and laughed out loud. "You just disobeyed my mother, you punk." He wheezed out, slapping his thigh. "Ah- This butler apologize if he acted rashly and disregarded the madam's instructions, I would take note of today's indecency and accept any punis-" The butler bowed deeply and rambled but was interrupted as with [Y/N] giddy chortles. Iori swore it was the most genuine smile he saw ever since he got acquainted with the young master.

[Y/N] calmed down and wiped his teary eyes. He smirked at Iori and asked him to come over. Confused, Iori approached the young master and [Y/N] leaned in. Then, he grabbed Iori's ears and twisted it lightly. Iori went to his knees and closed his eyes, kinda frustrated from being treated like a child.

"There, your punishment." [Y/N] stated, eyes crinkling in amusement.

After getting to know his butler's naivety and genuinity, he feels happy. His father was right. "Listen tough pie, not all people in the world are good. But not all are bad either. You don't need to search for the right people, they just come to you naturally. As if destined." His father's voice rang in his head, he found himself smiling.

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