Comeback Update; Final Author's note

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Hello, Cherry here! Missed me? Hahahahah! I apologize for not updating Take flight. I lost my motivation and inspiration when Grandma died. I was also feeling so tired from everything I am experiencing at the moment. Physically, mentally and spiritually. To the point I haven't been writing for a while. 6 or 7 months? I think I lost myself and my writing style (?). But I found my way back to writing and I actually started days ago. Little by little, but I am not satisfied with it. I feel kinda anxious and I hated how it turned out. Although I should write and write and edit later like I used to. But I hated my writing, it feels like it wasn't the same like before. I feel like you wouldn't like how Chapter 11 would be.

It's the tournament arc and I am really excited about this. I have something to offer that will put you all on the edge of your seats. An unexpected reveal of some sorts. You can guess what will happen ;) Perhaps, seeing yall's theories will get my excitement back Hahahaha! I am like almost halfway? Chapter 11 and I think I will have huge progress tomorrow but I can't promise I will update tomorrow. But I think I can update this week. What do you think what will happen in Chapter 11? Hahahahaha! I will reveal the Title~

Chapter eleven: Nightingale

'Nightingales are symbolic of beauty and melody. Being nocturnal, they're also symbolic of darkness and mysticism. To dream of these birds is often symbolic of joy and hope but can also have a negative interpretation at times.'

A new threat arises amidst the tournament. An unexpected showdown and comeback. Broken promises and betrayal. Broken boards and broken souls. Rain and Mud. Oil and Water.

"Finally, we are on the same page. My Eve."


So yeah- I really am sorry for not updating or giving updates for 6 months or 7 months waaaa. Another reason, I posted this story in wattpad as well and I don't like their comments so far. I don't know why they have a lot of complains about this story. Questioning the plot, the dynamics and the metaphors I've been using. For the last time, Adam do NOT look that way or any predatory way towards Langa and MC. Adam do not LOVE Langa and MC that way. Please, Please read between the lines. I am disheartened by the people in wattpad. There are only few people who actually appreciates the dynamic. And about the romance, please- It's gonna happen post canon. I am focusing on the dynamics and the plot itself. For character development (If there will be any, good or bad *Wink wonk*)

Maybe they actually mean ok and were only joking but- I don't think it sounded okay to me Hahahahaha. The amount of "Adam Pedo" in the comments and the amount of comparing shts, complaining about everything. Always have something to say about every line? about what happens in the story. They were so disgusted about MC and Adam's dynamic. I don't - I don't know why or how it made them feel disgusted? Please read between the lines, I feel disheartened that people do not get my intentions? or what I am trying to portray in the story. You Quotev peeps makes me soff, loving and appreciating the story and trying your best to read between the lines and see further the dynamics. There are also people there who are the same, although its very few. I feel like my story sucks big time because of what happened.

If you open your eyes, you would see further than the "Pedo" Sht you tryna call Adam. Comprehension? Maybe? About the series? What made him that way? His crimes and shit aren't valid okay. But I hope people would try to understand Adam and MC's dynamic in this story. Adam and MC were cut from the same cloth BUT with different scissors. Remember that. MC went through shit too, that's why he is like that. But he had better childhood. Better beliefs even if its still dented and shitty due to *Ahem Mother and Stepfather.

ALSO IT IS iori. iori.

iori please. NOT LORI TwT The amount of people calling it Lori- I'm,,,,, I hate the idea of people calling my OC other names. What if someone called you a different name? That would irk you of course. But it's a mistake so don't worry about it. But starting now, please call him iori! Our little boi's name is iori and not Lori uwu

All these things and complains- and lack of effort to read between the lines and see further makes me feel demotivated ugh. But I will still update. Don't worry, I love my story too and I think this is the only fanfic I have with proper outline and excitement? to finish. I would never abandon this. I just update really slow, please bare with me :(

Also Thank you Thank you! Very much for staying tuned for future chapters and updates! Thank you for almost 1.85k votes? Waaaaaaa ~ Some of you DMed me and wrote to me, asking about me and giving me encouragements and motivations to continue the story. Never failing in reaching out and letting me know about how you guys appreciate my story. Thank you for the endless support! I really really appreciate you guys and I owe you double update Hahahaha. I will try to update sooner after Chapter 11!


I hope you guys are doing great! Stay safe and always keep that smile on your faces because you guys are beautiful inside out. Even your flaws and imperfections are beautiful and I wish those who put you down because of it a unhappy night. You guys rock! Until Chapter 11! Thank you for reading Take Flight! I love you guys~ Cherry signing out!

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