-///chapter 34///-

436 10 10

Kenmas pov

I dont know what to say to that just the thing is I guess it was all true in some ways...

He keeps glancing over at me he looks so calm and at peace


"Hehe nothing"

"No what"

"Do you ever just really want to do some fucked up shit but not in a bad way like in a fun way as in arson or skateboarding all night long but in school"

"Yea actually I do that a lot more than you think..."

"Ughhhh I'm so bored"

"Jesus kuroo"


"Nothing your just a giant child is all"

"Well that's ruudee"

"Oh shut up"

Kuroo moved closer to me and we laid down together on the roof it was kinda cold but like always being next to kuroo makes me so warm and feel so much better inside (not like that's PERVERTS) and well happy I guess.

He keeps getting closer to where there is no longer a single inch between us, I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine. I keep falling deeper and deeper for him its gonna hurt when IIF I, confess to him it's hard to get rejected especially by someone you love the most

"Its so pretty I love the night"

"Is that why you never sleep or-"

"Oh fuck off kuroo I do sleep"

"Really when"

"I um- well yesterday i- um today I did d- shit no I didnt"

"And my case is proven I would to pay a thankyou to the jury and the judge my caseworker and my lawyer"

"Yea yea ok I get it I dont sleep fuck off"

"Theres a word for that"

"What?- Wait ew kuroo ew"


"Hey kenmaaaa-kun"

"Yes kuroo"

"Have you ever kissed a boy before"

"Umm no I havent why-"

Why the fuck does he want to know why I've ever kissed a boy before I mean I would like to but I dont know when that's gonna happen or if it will happen anytime soon.

"I uh actually I've never kissed anyway befo-"

Before I could finish my sentence I felt a soft gentle feeling against my lips....


(Hey hey hey!! How are y'all lmao I hope you love the cliffhanger bc ik I do go eat and drink some after plz and comment that shit makes my day thankyou all so so so so fuckung much for 8.54k readers like omg thankyou lemme know what you want me to so for 10.k but anyways author out-)

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