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Sylvie's POV:

I open the door widely to Katherine who stands with her fist midair, prepared to begin slamming on the door once again. "Seriously, Katherine?" I remark. She settles her arm back down to her side and grips onto the strap of her light pink bag, shoving me to the side as she steps through the door and into my apartment. "Sure, come in" I mumble sarcastically under my breath.

Katherine stands directly in the middle of the living room, analysing the space around her while I follow behind her, not bothering to shut the door closed as I'm convinced this will be a short visit.

"So are you just here for fun or do you want something?" I ask her from behind. "You told me you weren't going to do it again" she accuses with her back still faced towards me. "Do what?" I question, dumbfounded. "You know exactly what, you promised me" her voice raises slightly as she turns around to point an accusing finger towards me, her eyes welling up in tears that I'm sure she's attempting to fight back.

"It's not what you think, Katherine" I defend myself, "really? That's exactly what you said last time Syl" she barks back, her tears now falling down her cheeks as I stare at her emotionlessly and silently.

"You've always been like this, you've always made stupid decisions and never could admit them" she screams, stepping towards me threateningly. "Are you serious, Katherine? I had it so much harder than you." The tears break through my own eyes as I remember, "I was the one who saw what happened, you just heard about it over the phone. Maybe if you weren't so busy fucking Max or Mike or whatever his name is then you would have paid more attention, then maybe I wouldn't have turned out the way I did" I scream back, unable to stop the tears from pouring out my eyes. I step towards her so we're only inches away from each other, we both stare at each other with tear filled eyes, "you never cared, why don't we just keep it that way" I add.

Tense silence flows through the air, Katherine seems to be at loss for words and I have already said everything that needs to be said. Either one of us don't dare to look away as we continue to stare each other down. A few more moments pass by before I hear a man clear his throat from the door, obviously in order to break the silence.

I turn around on my heel, only to have my day appear to be even worst than it already had been. Carter leans against the door frame from his left shoulder, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his legs crossed beneath him. His lightly coloured hair is sat perfectly on top of his head, as it usually is.

"How long have you been here?" I question, snapping back to reality after having analysed Carter's casual appearance. "Long enough" he replies, forcing himself off the wall and entering my apartment- uninvited. He lifts his eyes to Katherine who is wiping her cheeks and fixing her hair, lifting her head high to its normal position and plastering back her usual expression. He stares at her slightly longer than usual, with threatening eyes.

I quickly lift my hand and wipe under my eyes, trying to hide the tears from his sight. Katherine stares at Carter, who cautiously makes his way towards me. Carter's hands are raised in front of him, towards me, in a peaceful gesture.

I look towards Katherine. Her eyes leave Carter and fall back on me, the hatred in her eyes cause my tears to come burning back. With that, she turns around and storms out of the open door.

As hard as I try to prevent it, I fail and the tears come bursting through my eyes. Carter speeds his cautious walk up and practically runs towards me. He grips me in his arms and pulls my head towards him, I let the tears fall into his chest as I breathe in his protective, masculine scent.

I pull away from him and stare directly up, into his chocolate-brown eyes as he stares back.

As if Carter Pericolo was a completely different person, he raises his arms and clutches his hands gently around my warm face; using his thumbs to wipe away the tears from underneath my eyes.

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