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It's been a long long time

1:04 ━━━━━━─────── 3:10

Haven't felt like this, my dear
Since can't remember when
It's been a long, long time


There can be nothing more pleasant to the senses than the sunrise. The golden rays of the sun giving a bright colour to the clouds and meadows, mountains and valleys. Increasing in size and shine.

The sun casted a bright yellow shade on the grimmald place. Making it seem more pleasent and normal, Than it did on the inside.

Alee sat at the corner of her room, rereading her letter from her dear friend Harry. She read the events that took place at the weasley house, over the summer.

Dear Alee

how are you, I haven't written to you in a while, I know. But it's been very hectic here at the weasleys, Ginny keeps abusing me, Ron won't stop talking about the world cup, and the twins won't stop pranking me it's literally getting out of hand.

Hermione arrived before yesterday, keeps bugging me about last year, ya know about Peter and all that. Anyways we miss you, well I miss you. I know your coming tomorrow morning. Hopefully Hedwig delivers this letter to you in time. Can't believe Padfoot wouldn't let you come stay here with us. Maybe this Christmas you can stay here at the weasleys it would give me a break to talk to someone who's actually fun.

Love Harry.

Alee folded the letter and kept it in her jeans pocket.

"Maybe in another life time Harry" mumered Alee. Even though Sirius has been her gaurdian for just 3 months, he wants to spend as much time as possible, and Alee was okay with it.

she stood up, fixing her sweater, and exited her room closing the door from behind. Walking past all the screaming portraits she walked up the stairs, caressing the rails. Entering a room with the words,

She was greeted to a big swoosh of air to her face. Alee cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled:

"wake up!"

She was in her uncles room, it was dark and dusty and smelled of whiskey.

Startled by the command he rose his hand to his eyes "Alee please I'm having a severe headache, go eat breakfast I'm coming down alright?!" whispered Sirius loud enough for Alee to hear, Sirius was drinking that night.

It was 5 in the morning The day dawned crisp and clear. The sun poured through the window. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.

Alee being awake at 5 is a huge deal, but she had to if she didn't want to miss the Quidditch World Cup a wizard match that she will be attending with her best mates Hermione The weasleys and Harry Potter.

Alright alright, lemme just-" she took out her wand and mumered a spell that made the blinds of sirius's room to roll up causing glaring white rays of light to enter the room and hit his face

"ALEE MONICA BLACK I AM SO DONE WITH YOU!" screeched Sirius at the top of his lungs

Alee played many tricks on him like this, and he didn't mind but Sirius was on a hangover and wasn't expecting it to be this horrible.

||𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 - h.p.|| Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now