Ballet And All

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Space song
1:04 ━━━━━━─────── 3:10
I'm on your side

Alee woke up to a dim room, her head was pounding and her hands felt broken. She could barely breath.

As she blinked around to her surrounding she noticed she was in the hospital wing, the posters of skeletons and the the identical beds gave it away.

She pulled her self up and massaged her temples in pain.

"ah you chose to wake up at midnight I see" said a sweet soothing voice.

Madam Pomfrey came into view and turned on the light above Alees bed.

"what happened" asked Alee adjusting to the light.

"you fainted deary" she said lightly.

Alee laid back as madam pomfrey poured water into a glass.

"I don't understand how?" questioned Alee, giving a generous smile to the nurse. She took the glass and drank its contents sighing loudly at the end.

"I don't know minevra just called me from the tent, your friends said black stuff was coming out of your hands." spoke madam pomfrey "they weren't that good at explaining"



In the morning Madam Pomfrey released Alee and gave her drops to drink in order for her headaches, and vomits to stop.

She walked through the empty Corridors, since it was 5 in the morning.

She snuck into the common room and slipped into the shower rinsing off the nasty hospital smell.

She put on her school uniform and used a drying spell for her hair.

Alee then walked out of the common room and sat in the great hall to eat.

There weren't much students except for some six and seven year boys and girls who were preparing for their newts.

A couple minutes later Harry and Hermione walked into the great hall, trailing along was a half asleep Ron.

"Good morning" said Alee quietly.

"Alee oh my God are you alright" huffed Hermione she quickly sat beside Alee brushing though Alees short brown hair.

"I'm alright, oh my love Harry" whispered Alee.

Harry had a ghastly cut on his face which slightly reminded her of Remus. And he had a hand cast.

He gave Alee a awkward smile and sat beside Ron who soon was fully awake.

Hermione began to ask Alee questions like:

"What happened "

"Was it something you ate."

"There was smoke coming out of your hands, did you know."

Alee ignored her questions, partly cause she didn't feel like answering and also cause she didn't know what to say.

Ron filled Alee in on everything about the first Task.

Now that Ron and Harry were friends again the group all began to joke and laugh again feeling happy as ever.

The owls began to fill the great hall as more students began to eat breakfast.

Alee grabbed another piece of toast. As she got a parcel from Padfoot.

And so did Ron from his mother.

||𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 - h.p.|| Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now