Space Time

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"One by one... I destroyed these crammed emotions."

"The mask I created for this class... bore hateful tears."

"I gulped down my scars, I won't say they hurt. If that's true... it's because you didn't notice them."

"Your words... kill me. You don't know... about my heart."

"If Akabane and the others are not here... I'll be... fine with that."

"But if Azreal's still here.. my wounds...The wounds that Azreal left... will never heal."

"Like always, deep inside my heart, a smiling you is unforgivable. It's not easy to say 'it hurts'.  But... me disappearing now was just a lie, a lie..."

Karma was wandering the streets, finding himself at Kunugigaoka, climbing the hill where he first met Asura, with memories coming back of how he had tried to enter the girl's world... along with learning more about her own world. Asura started running to Kunugigaoka as she looked around, seeing that there was no one there at their usual clearing. Asura fell to her knees as she started panting. 

"That's right... why would they be here?" A certain red head boy appeared at the clearing.

Right by the clearing... where he saw where Asura was truly at peace... was Asura with her cast on. Asura felt a presence behind her as she turned around... to see Karma. The two met eyes, one with lifeless eyes while one with a shocked expression. 

"There you are." Karma had a stunned look on his face. "...I was looking for you, Asura."

"Aka...bane." Asura could barely be heard as Karma was only staring at Asura, thinking the girl to be a ghost.

The two looked to each other as Karma approached Asura, reaching out a single finger as he poked her shoulder, feeling the girl's warm skin underneath her thin clothes. Karma was surprised as he stumbled back. "You're... alive." Karma said as he fell to his knees.

Karma looked up in relief to see that the girl's eyes were shaking. "Asura? Are you okay?" Karma asked. "It's late. Why don't we get some food at a convenience store? You haven't eaten since... since it happened have you?" Karma asked.

"I'm glad that.. you're ok."

"Your words kill me. So.. this type of me.. if you're fine with that, kill me."

Asura looked away from the red haired boy. Karma didn't know what expression she was making.

"I.." Karma didn't know how to respond. "I suppose it's too soon to try and convince you back into the normal swing."

"I wanted to talk more with you." Karma confessed. "That was all I think. But I didn't understand what you were going through and hurt you and as a result it led to you making the worst decision."

"No!" Asura shook her head frantically. "I... didn't change. That's why I fell. It's all... my fault. I thought if I just disappear... I..." Asura clenched her hands. "I could make up for the deaths of everyone..."

"...Asura." Karma tried to console the girl. "You should stay here until you've calmed down a bit. I'll cover for you with Karasuma-sensei."

"I.. I killed Kaia. I killed Sion, Azir.. and Azreal's spirit. He doesn't need or want me anymore..." Asura said. "If Azreal doesn't want me, there's no point in living."

"Asura, I... I want you to live." Karma found himself getting closer to Asura as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "So please..."

"I hope one day, you'll be reunited with the one you cherish." Azreal's kind voice could be heard to Asura as her eyes widened. She pushed Karma away, as the boy's golden eyes widened.

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