The Day of Beginnings

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"Your next target is a man... by the name of Charles Heathfield, a politician high in name. We're going to bring a huge sum of money if we complete this mission. You are to bring him down." Father brushed his hair back, holding up a piece of paper in his hands. "This is a mission you are all to work on as a team. I will provide no other assistance."

After Father had briefed the team on their mission, he left the team, a few days later, the group was still in the midst of collecting information on their target. They had decided to split up the work evenly, with Sion, Kaia and Asura to infiltrate the mansion, as Sion and Kaia's specialties were information gathering and Asura's age and appearance would hopefully throw off those suspicious. Which left Azir and Azreal on look out duty and looking around from a nearby cafe.

"Hey, Azreal, I'm bored." Azir sighed. "We should just raid the mansion at night."

Azreal was reading a book in his hands as a frown was visible on his face. "Quiet Azir, things aren't that simple. That mansion is littered with traps. We're lucky we managed to get Asura, Kaia and Sion to infiltrate the mansion as laborers."

"I wonder how Asura is doing..." Azreal thought to himself as he looked at the large mansion.

Sion was holding a butcher's knife in hand as he was chopping something rapidly. "Ooh! You're pretty good at this!" the chef complimented the white haired boy. "Good! Next, try fileting this high quality tuna!"

"Tch!" Sion clicked his tongue. "I've attracted the wrong kind of attention and can't get away from my post!"

Kaia was dressed as a maid, her long pink hair let down as she walked around. "Hmm... Just as I thought. New staff aren't allowed deeper into the mansion to clean." Kaia thought to herself as she peeked the corner to see guards where the politician was supposed to be. "I shouldn't carelessly intrude... I should endure and get as much information as I can."

When the group met up at the inn, only Kaia, Azreal, Sion and Azir could be seen. "It seems it will take a while for me to get any useful information.." Kaia sighed.

"All that's left is Asura... she's late again." Azreal spoke, slightly worried about the younger girl. "She's a bit airheaded.. will she be alright working?"

"That's because she's in the stables... that's probably the hardest job." Kaia nervously laughed. "Nothing we could do about it... She ate all the ingredients in the kitchen..."

"I-It wasn't all of them!" Asura opened the door and stammered.

"Asura!" Azreal let out a sigh of relief to see the girl as the girl's embarrassed blush turned into a serious look.

"Azreal... they're doing a thorough check on the condition of the target's horse... apparently he'll be going hunting tomorrow afternoon."

Hearing the information, Azreal perked up. "Then.. let's form a plan." Azreal nodded to his teammates.

The next day, Azreal was perched up on a tree, gun in hand as he could see the politician on his horse. "All according to plan..." Azreal took a deep breath as he had his trigger finger on his gun. "Good night." Azreal had the muzzle of the gun covered by the cloth, as well as a silencer to keep the sound down.

Within a second, the politician was shot through the head.

"Sir?!" the servants saw the earl fall to the ground. "Catch the culprit!"

While the politician's group was scattering to find the group, Azir, Kaia, Sion and Asura were running through the ground. "How about that?! It's all because I already found the game they released the day before! We'll even have enough food to last a while!"

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