Ls and Rs

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"Everyday chit chat is actually quite simple." Irina was teaching the class English. "I'm sure you all know that one person whose conversations mostly consist of really great and really bad. Asura, read the sentence."

"Really." Asura said with perfect English. "The food is really great, thank you for treating me out."

"Perfect. Your L's and R's are perfect." Irina complimented. "IF you screw up your L's and R's... I'll punish you with a French kiss in public. And if you're right..." Irina walked over to Asura, ready to kiss her when she took a step back cautiously.

Irina grabbed the girl and before she could kiss Asura, she held up her anti sensei knife as Irina kissed the knife, rather than her. "No." Asura said as she broke free from Irina's grasp easily and sat back down in her seat.

"Awh, have you never even had your first kiss before?" Karma teased, Asura merely turned away, pretending she hadn't heard the boy.

"None of your business.." Asura turned away. She felt a presence coming from outside and felt on edge. Someone who wasn't supposed to be on campus was here... and she didn't like it. Asura kept an eye around the class, ready for any situation, as she kept a stoic look on her face.

After class, Irina sat down in her seat with a loud groan. "Teaching is such a pain." Irina complained.

"But the students seem to be taking to you." Karasuma said.

"Am I supposed to be proud of that? I'm an assassin. I'm stuck here while I try to kill that octopus." Irina sighed. "And speaking of that octopus... he's gazing at my boobs while elegantly sipping tea." Irina proceeded to try to stab Korosensei.

"Calm down. That's the kind of target he is." Karasuma tried to calm down the woman.

"Shit! I won't stand for this!" Irina stormed out of the classroom and looked outside. "I don't have to stay cooped up in here like this. But how on Earth can I.." a rope wrapped around Irina as it hoisted her into the air.

"What a surprise, Irina. Seeing you play teacher with those students. It was like the set up for a comedy sketch." a man appeared from the shadows, holding up his wire trap.

"Sir...!" Irina struggled to speak.

Asura appeared from the shadows as she had narrowed eyes, immediately cutting the wire trap to free Irina, as Karasuma left the office. He was rather taken aback to find Asura on edge with a knife in her hands. The man was looking at Asura with a rather.... interested look.

"Asura." Karasuma spoke to the girl and held up a hand. "Down."

"Who ... are you." Asura asked in English to the man, staying tense.

"Japanese is just fine. I'm not suspicious, I assure you." the man said. "I'm the one who worked with your government  to bring in Irina Jelavich. Though... I wasn't expecting you guys to have... her." the man looked to Asura with intrigue. "Where is this Korosensei?"

"He went to Shanghai for some almond jelly. He left half an hour ago, so he should be back soon." Karasuma said.

"I'm glad I came-Irina take the day off." Lovro told his student. "You can't handle this job. When it comes to undercover, you have no superior... but when your identity is revealed, you're worthless as an assassin."

"I know I can do it sir! I have what it takes!" Irina yelled, as Lovro ran forward to place his thumb on Irina's neck as Karasuma saw Asura move as well, placing her knife on his neck.

"Fast..." Karasuma was seeing Asura's prowess and Lovro's skills as assassin for the first time.

"Down." Asura said, her voice lacing with ice cold venom.

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