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I can feel someone laying on my chest, I don't open my eyes to see who it is because I don't want to know. I feel the urge to move my legs, but I can't because I feel something heavy on my thigh. I decided to open my eyes. I squint my eyes a little bit to see Lucas on my thigh and Liam on my chest. I smile to myself. "Boys wake up, I'm hungry" I whined. Liam Jolts up from my chest and hugs me right away. "I'm so sorry Jade, I shouldn't have got mad at you for not telling me!" Liam begged, "and I shouldn't have turned Lucas against you for that!" Liam added.

I forgave Liam and sat up in my bed. I looked around the room to see if any of my roommates were here, but they weren't. 'Maybe they had a sleepover at the boys or their other friends' I thought to myself. I looked down to my thigh to see Lucas's head laying there. "He's snoring like a baby" I thought out loud. "Yeah" Liam replied. I shook Lucas awake. "Wake up Lukie pookie" I whispered in Lucas's ear. He jolted up the same as Liam and hugged my whole leg. But for some reason I wasn't hurting anymore. "If you're wondering we got Pansy to heal you and we got Aiden, Rebecca and Leo to move schools, and sense I did that for you, you have to do my homework for the next 3 months" Lucas rambled on. I hugged Lucas and thanked him. "Okay sounds good, I guess" I responded.

I got up on my legs and got ready for breakfast. Lucas and Liam already left to go get ready for Breakfast. I curled my golden locks and put a clip on the side of my hair, I wore sweatpants and a navy blue sweater. I decided that I am not going to classes today because of Leo, Rebecca and Aiden. Even though they are gone I still want a break from all of this shit.

I walked out of my dorm and common room and walked down the corridor alone. Until someone bumped my shoulder, I looked to my side to see Pansy. "Hey thanks for healing me yesterday" I choked out. I never really liked saying 'sorry' but in this case it was for a good cause. "Yeah no problem. I actually came here to ask you-" Pansy got interrupted by none other than Draco Malfoy himself. My cheeks turned red, when I remembered what happened the other day. "Pansy come with me Now. please" Draco hissed. "We will talk about this later, okay" pansy whispered in my ear. I nodded and started walking to the great hall for breakfast.

I walk in the get hall to see everyone at the slytherin table except Pansy and Draco, when I realize they just walked away from me together. I felt jealous for some reason, I shrugged it off and walked over to the table with my head high. I take my usual seat and sit beside Cora. although Cora is acting really strange today.

"Where were you guys when I woke up?" I questioned the 3

"We had sleepovers with our other friends," Ember beamed. I nodded my head and started taking a piece of toast with Jam on it.

"So do you girls want to go to hogsmeade today, for shopping of course!" Fleur Begged.

"Sure" we all said at the same time. After we were done eating we all walked back to the common room together. "See you boys tomorrow" I said to Blaise, Theo and Liam. We all waved goodbye to them and went back to our dorms to get ready for this hogsmeade trip.


After we get off the carriages to Hogsmeade. We went to the first clothing store we see called 'Royal Boutique' and we all raced into the store. My eyes widen with glory, me and Fleur run to the lingerie section. "Hey Jade, does this look cute enough for Blaise?"Felur questions. I look over to see her holding up Black lingerie 1 piece. I widen my eyes in admiration, "Yes Fleur Blaise would love that. Hell I would love to see you in that!" I deadpanned, I wink at her after I finished my sentence and turn back to look for lingerie for me. She giggles and puts it in her cart. I can feel someone's hand on my shoulder while I was looking at a red lingerie 2 piece. "I love that Jade" Cora admitted, putting her chin on my shoulder. "Are you looking for Dracooo" Ember whispered-teased. I giggled and said no to her. "Who are you buying for Cora?" I taunted. Cora tensed up and shook her head,  "secret Jade" she hissed harshly than ever. "Jeez just asking" I replied.

After a while looking in other shops and getting butterbeers we went back to the common room. When we walked in, Pansy was sitting there on the couch. Everybody kept going to the dorm while I told them I will stay back for a minute. They all shook their heads and headed up stairs.

I took a seat by Pansy and asked her. "Well what were you going to say this morning?" I asked. She turned her head to look at me and said. "Draco told me not to tell you but I am telling you anyways. Last night me and Draco hooked up and when he was about to cum he moaned your name!" My eyes widened with surprise. I thought 'why would he do that, boys can be so stupid sometimes' "well Pansy I am so sorry, but I can't change anything" I replied. She nodded her head, "I understand that and plus I like Ember, all I'm doing is telling what he said" I nod in response and smile at her because of the fact she liked Ember. Pansy looked and got up and walked up stairs to her dorm.

I followed her upstairs until I got to my dorm and walked in to see Fleur talking about another Party tomorrow night. "So are you going to go?" Fleur declared. I nodded my head yes and got ready for bed.


Sorry I didn't update sooner, I was taking a break from wattpad and stuff. anyways hope you like this chapter!

word count: 1056

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