Part I: Early Life and Jackson 5

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In this story I will be writing about Michael's life through the years from the perspective of his childhood best-friend Michelle Porter. Note: I will be writing mostly from Michelle's point of view through some pivotal moments in Michael's life, as I am a creative writer some events will not be completely actual factual to how they were as we all know Michael was incredibly lonely and possibly needed a childhood friend like Michelle. Nevertheless, I will be writing as close to his actual life as possible making minor creative changes as we go along the way.

She will be a pinnacle part of his life like he will be of hers. In each part will have a few chapters each. Some chapters will be longer than others while some will be shorter, but I hope you enjoy this journey with me.

Each group of chapters will be broken up with a part overview. To prepare us for things that might be triggering or offering some visuals or added character backgrounds to introduce the story and keep it organized.

In this part we will be focusing on the years (1961-1975) from when Michael and Michelle are three years old until they are seventeen. So please enjoy this story which was requested by one of my readers: @Redpanda_artist2002 

Sidenote: I realized I tagged the old account when Arty returns I will tag the current account and all those who followed Arty or know what the new account is please tag the new account.

I have been working on this for a while now and I am hoping to do the fandom justice with this piece. In this section we will have the main Jackson family, Michelle and her family, as well as their grade schoolteacher Ms. Childress, and some added students and neighbors along the way. Again, I hope you enjoy Misfitgang. 



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