3. No More Outside

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April 11th, 1964

2300 Jackson StreetGary, Indiana3:00 p.m.In the Yard

Michelle's Point of View:

I raced down the block with a bag full of sugar babies, jaw busters, tootsie rolls, Boston baked beans, chuckles, and red hots. I just left Papa Red's candy store with my allowance that I earn every week cleaning my Nana's dentures.

"Michael!!!" I scream Applehead's name as I race down the block and around the corner to his house. Usually, we would play store outside his house. He was always great at getting people to spend their quarter at our store.

"Applehead!!!" I yell as I walk through the gate to his house. I heard music and singing, which wasn't unusual for the Jackson house.

"You boys keep practicing." I hear Joseph's voice as I knocked on the door.

"Hi Uncle Joe, can Michael come outside and play with me today?" I asked as I noticed his face kind of twisted up. He held a leather belt in his hand, and I wondered why.

"Sorry Michelle, Michael can't come out and play today. Why don't you go play with Linda Holland down the road." He says, closing the door in my face.

"Okay, boys, back to practicing." I overheard Joseph says.

"But I want to go play with Shelly. Can I for a few minutes and then come back?" I hear Michael says.

"Boy, shut your big fat nose up. Get back to work. How do you think you're going to be a star without practice? You aren't cute enough just to be one. You ugly, and ugly got to practice now come on! Again!" I hear Joseph say to Michael, I peaked in the window to see Michael sad. It made tears come to my eyes to see my best friend sad.

I didn't go down the road to play with Linda Holland. I waited and watched Michael practice. When he made a mistake, Joseph would hit him with the belt twice if he talked back. It was horrible to watch, so I dashed home the first time I saw it happen.

"Whoa girl, you come in here flying past me and almost knocking me down. Where's the fire sugar?" My Nana asked as I had tears in my eyes.

"Sorry, Nana..." I say, wiping my eyes.

"What happened, Michelle?" Nana asked me.

"Uncle Joseph...he...he was being mean to Michael and hit him with a belt. It made him cry all cause he made a mistake on a song!" I say as I cry into my Nana's shoulder.

"Oh sugar, I am sorry you saw that. You should never see something like that." My Nana says.

"Michael didn't do anything bad. Bad kids get popped or get the belt, Nana. He won't let him come outside to play, and he said he had a big fat nose and that he is ugly. Michael is not ugly, Nana. He is nice and fun." I say, still crying.

"It's going to be okay, Sugar. What did you get there in your hand?" She asked me.

"It was the candy I was going to share with Michael." I say to Nana.

"Alright, come on in here with me. We are going to make the boys some sweets and you are going to give Michael your gift, okay?" Nana says, and I nod, wiping my tears away.

Nana and I made chocolate chip cookies, and I was able to write Michael a card. I put the candy into a nice clear bag with the card, and then Nana and I walked over to the Jackson's house.

"Oh, Ms. Ernestine, how are you doing?" Aunty Katherine says, answering the door. It was right before dinner time when we made it over.

"Katherine, I am okay. Just trying to beat the cancer is all. Uh, do you mind if Michelle plays with Michael while I speak with you." My Nana says, and after we are let in, I ran to where Michael and the boys' room were.

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