5. Steeltown Records and Stardom

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June 24th, 1968

Elementary School

Gary, Indiana

10:00 a.m.

Last Day of School

Michelle's Point of View:

"Shelly..." Michael's voice barely audible whispered to me as we sat at the assembly. The principal wanted to give us a farewell assembly as this being the last day of school for the year. 

"Yeah?" I whispered back. 

"You're still coming over after school to hear the song, right?" He asked me for what felt like the millionth time. 

"Of course, Applehead I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say to him as I try to listen to the boring assembly. Principal Mcgee's voice seems to be set at one tone, slow and boring. He sounded like the adults from Charlie Brown. Every other word felt like a whomp whomp scenario.

"Hey Michael." Linda says as she sits behind Michael. Michael was sitting next to me like we always did because we are best friends.

"Hi Linda." Michael says because he is nice, I roll my eyes, knowing Linda was going to try and be a part of what we were doing.

"So, Michael, could I come over and listen to your new song?" Linda asked, and I knew it was coming.

"Uh." Michael was always lost for words when it came to sharing his music with the class. I could tell her wanted to share it, but he also knew Linda was annoying, especially to me.

"Linda, get a clue. The invite wasn't open to you. It was just for me, so you see, two is always better than three." I say my rhyme to her that I just thought about.

"Hey, Shelly, that was a super cool rhyme." Michael says impressed.

"Michael, I can rhyme, Michelle. You are a failure. That's why your grandma smells like manure." Linda says loud enough for everyone to hear. The assembly stops, and our fifth-grade teacher, Mr. Jefferson comes over.

"Linda Holland, that is no way to talk to Michelle. Now you apologize." He says, sounding very stern.

"Sorry, Michelle." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Since you like rolling your eyes, you wouldn't mind rolling them in detention. It's the end of the year and you chose detention Ms. Holland, how unfortunate." Mr. Jefferson says before Principal Mcgee continued on.

The class did ooh and ahh after what Linda said, and after Mr. Jefferson punishment giveaway. However, I couldn't help but feel the need to punch something, especially Linda. I asked to go to the restroom, but instead I go stand in the hall and start pacing. I needed to come up with a way to get her back.

At lunch, I pondered several ways to get her back. I needed to embarrass her the way she embarrassed me. I remember Billy Patterson had fake rubber bugs, rodents, and even fake dog poop.

"Hey Billy, how much for the fake roaches?" I whispered to him as we stood on the lunch line.

"For you, Michelle, fifty cents." He says, and I gave him the two quarters I had in my pocket. My dad gives me $2.50 every day for milk to go with my lunch. Extra in case Michael needed some milk or if we ever had a bully, which we didn't. I would hardly call Linda a bully.

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