4. His First Big Break

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August 13th, 1967
2330 Jackson Street
Gary, Indiana
6:00 p.m.
In the Living Room

Michelle's Point of View:

"Michelle!" I heard my mother call my name from the living room.

"Yes Mama?" I asked as I left my bedroom, I had been finishing up my last touch for my letter for Michael. This summer his father had him and his brothers touring all around the country to try and get a record deal. He has done so many talents shows and amateur nights at local and far away theaters. Michael has told me he even been to a place where the women walk around topless, and he sung for the crowd.

"We are about to watch Michael and his brothers on television at the Apollo theater, do you want to join us?" Mama says as my Nana had huffed in her own tone. Ever since that day at Michael's house where Joseph and she argued, my Nana has a bad taste in her mouth for Joe Jackson.

"Yeah mama." I say as I sat on the living room floor cross legged, it was after dinner and daddy had just got enough money to get us a television set a few weeks ago. Now sometimes when Michael is at shows that will be on television, I can watch them. I used to watch television at the Jackson's house before we got our own.

The television lit up with the image of people in the crowd and a host of different acts, there was even a man on stage running off bad talent, they called him the sandman. I was amazed at how the show was going but I knew Michael and his brothers didn't have to worry. They were great at everything they did and never once have they ever got a bad show reaction.

We watched as Michael and his brothers tore up the stage performing a set, they always performed out here at the local shows.

"Those boys are good; they could even be better than them Osmond kids." My daddy said as we bobbed our heads to the music.

"They could even go all the way one day; Joe is talking about getting them a record deal and flying all of them off to California." My mama said which made me sad, Michael going to California would mean he would be even farther away from me. At this rate we will never hangout again.

"Those boys need to be able to just be kids and live their life. Joe just thinks he can live through those kids and make them take care of him and his escapades. Joseph Jackson is no damn good, and I don't know why Katherine puts up with him or why y'all are even friends with him." My Nana says and I can sense there will be an argument tonight, like most nights.

"Mama Ernestine, Joe is a good man and my best friend he takes cares of his kids and see their potential. He has kept his kids from gangs and violence which is become harder to do nowadays. You just still mad he put you in your place going over there trying to regulate a man's household. That is not your place I say this time and time again." My daddy says and I could see the frustration on Nana's face and the sadness on my Mama's face.

"Oh, shut up Paul, you all up-Joe Jackson butt like that man will ever do a damn thing for you. So, what he helped you a few months back look how many times you had to help him and his football team of kids. My daughter pulling in extra hours to help instead of taking care of her sick Mama. No one told him to have all those damn kids if he can't take care of them, see my daughter was smart and only had one." My Nana says which made Mama look even sadder.

"Now why would you go and say something stupid like that shit? Marion wants more kids, and we will have them as soon as the stress of your miserable ass will leave. I can't do this with your mama tonight, Marion, I am going to the bar." My daddy says huffing up his chest and leaving out.

"Go ahead and leave that's all you do is drink you're an alcoholic bum! It's probably why my daughter can't have more kids." My Nana screams and my mother gets frustrated.

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