7. I Want You Back, Best Friend

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September 4th, 1971

4727 Louise Ave. 

Encino, California 1:00 p.m.

Michelle's Room

Michelle's Point of View:

"That's the last box, 'Chelle." My mama says as she sits my box into my bedroom.

"Thanks, Mama." I say as I look around this spacious bedroom. It was different than my small room back in Gary, this one had a closet I could walk in. My parent's bedroom had two closets they could walk in. 

"Marian baby!" My daddy calls for my mother, who goes to see him. The time in the hospital was hard, but my daddy made it through, thankfully.

The shooter was someone from the rebel gang by the name of Bernard Thurman. He was some local thug who was taking vengeance for Patrick and George. If Billy didn't save me, I was going to be shot, too.

It was too much for Billy's family and mine, too. Billy's brother luckily got a job transfer through the parks, and they moved away to Philadelphia. Aunty Katherine got hold of the news, and with much convincing, my daddy took Uncle Joe's offer to move to California.

Uncle Joe helped us find a three-bedroom house which was more affordable than the house we had in Gary. He also got my dad a job down at Motown records. He was making more money than at the factory in Gary, too.

The only sad part is that I missed Billy. We dated for only a month and a half before he moved. We been here in California for two days before the movers came with our things, and I still haven't seen Michael either. I start at a new school, and I am nervous to be the new kid.

"Michelle sweetheart, we are going by the Jacksons house for a party. So, look for your good clothes and be ready in thirty minutes." My mama says, peeking her head into my new bedroom. So much for unpacking and making my room my own.

Thirty minutes passed, and we were in the car driving past different houses with trees flowing for days before my dad made it to the main road.

"Are you excited to be seeing everyone again, Michelle?" My mama asked just like when we first arrived in California, Aunty Katherine came with just Janet and Randy. She picked up all the mail we had and even stayed and talked with Mama a bit. I played with Randy and Janet, but I was hoping to see Michael.

"Yeah, I guess..." I say, feeling sad a bit. I missed Billy, and although I received his letter back after I sent him mine, it made me sad. He told me that since we are apart, he doesn't want me to just wait for him. He says I am too beautiful not to enjoy life and things. He wants us to remain friends and write to each other. He told me he signed up for a boxing after-school class, and he is still practicing for the Olympics.

"You will perk right up once you see your best friend, Michael." My father says, and I nod, not caring to see Michael. He has ignored and avoided me for this long. No letters after the last one I had sent. Billy is who I missed and got me sad about this decision he made. I think I am giving up on boys all together, every boy, whether he is a friend or not.

We arrived at the Jackson house in Hayvenhurst, and it is huge. Their house is clearly three times the size of our house, and I thought our house was big. My father parked the car after we rode past security. Wow, they are really rich and upper-class.

"Paul, Marian, and little Michelle." Aunty Katherine says at the door as we walk up to her.

"Hey Katie, where's Joe?" My father asked.

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