Chapter 13

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Frank dropped Alice off at her house so that she was able to get a change of clothes and sort herself out . Once alice was back in the car . The adventures were to start .

The first adventure was to go for breakfast in the park. So they went to the shop and got some fruit and croissants. When they were in the park ,they cuddled up , Frank then whispered sweet nothings into Alice's ear and then kissed her ear lobe, causing Alice to giggle and moan a little .

Frank was surprised at the reaction he got from Alice. He loved how he had an affect on her so easily. Frank then asked Alice to take his hand and they walked back to franks.

Frank then went into his living room and grabbed 1 large blanket and grabbed the remote control then he picked Alice up and threw her over his shoulders causing her to giggle.

The adventure was to watch a marathon of marvel movies as they were Alice's favourite. 

The first film was captain America: the first avenger , then they watched all of the films in chronological order .

When they were watching Ant man ,Alice started to get sleepy, so she leaned in and rested her head on Frank's shoulder and gave him a kiss on his neck causing him to look at Alice. He then said ' bubs you can sit on my lap and fall asleep if you want. ' So Alice sat on Frank's lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hummed and she felt her tiredness get to her.

At that moment right when was about to fall asleep, she was incredibly and indescribably thankful for Frank. So before she fell into deep sleep she said 'babe thank you ' Frank then rubbed her back and whispered 'night night bubba, I love you '

Frank then received a phone call from the restaurant he had made a booking for him and Alice to go out tonight for dinner. The call woke Alice up , so she hummed 'frank, what's going on'

Frank had wanted to surprise Alice but now that she was fully awake, he had to tell her . "Bubba , so the phone call was from the Italian restaurant in oxford, I booked us a table for 7:30 as I thought we could have a date night and maybe then we could sleep at mine and then we could cuddle and watch some more marvel , would you like that? " Frank thought that he was looking at a little puppy that had been told they were allowed to go on a dog walk. 

Alice then shouted yes! Yes, and she then jumped up into franks arms and kissed him passionately with love .

Alice then realised that she didn't have anything to wear tonight , Frank had thought ahead of her , so Jess and Alice were going shopping to get Alice a dress and some cute other stuff .

~Shopping time~

Jess then came to pick Alice up , they hugged and then got into Jess' car .

The first shop was Victoria secret as Alice wanted a matching set for herself , you know self love .

It was a cute rose pink colour and it made Alice feel really confident. Jess then asked if she could see what it looked like , Jess was shocked Alice looked amazing. So jess then said to Alice 'hey bae , you look stunning frank would love you in this,ever thought of showing him how amazing you look in this ' by jess saying this it gave alice had an idea. She wanted to surprise Frank after their date . So she brought the matching set and walked out of the shop with the biggest confident boost she had ever had in her entire life.

The next shop was h&m ,Alice had seen the perfect dress that she wanted to wear . It was a baby blue spaghetti strap dress that had a slit from the feet to the high hip and it looked sophisticated yet sexy.

It looked amazing and it wasn't the cheapest but Alice wanted to buy this dress ,so that's what she did. Alice was so in the mist of buying her favourite dress that she had lost jess.

So Alice messaged Jess saying that she would meet her outside of the shop.

Alice then met back up with Jess and they showed each other what they had brought and gossips as they walked through the shopping centre and got to the car .

While they were in the car Frank had called Alice.

A- hey , you ok?

F- yes bubs I'm good , how was shopping with jess ,she wasn't a bitch was she?

A- *giggled* no frank , we had a lovely time and I think we are going to get a drink from Starbucks, want anything?

F- no I'm ok , but thank you , stay safe and I'll see ya in a bit , muah (x)

So they girls headed to Starbucks and had some conversations . It was getting close to the date time and Alice was getting a little bit nervous , but she knew she had the dress on and a matching set underneath she knew it would make her feel amazing and then when she would be with Frank it would make it 100% better. 

Alice was anxious to see how Frank would react to her outfit and especially as to what she was wearing underneath. Alice wasn't ready to lose it yet and Frank knew that , but it really didn't stop them from doing anything else. Alice was now at her home and getting in the shower making sure she pampered herself for this occasion. She then did her makeup and got dressed and even managed to do her hair really nice . She was now waiting for Frank to pick her up .

After a few minutes Frank was outside waiting patiently to see Alice , when the front door of the house opened , Frank was gobbed smacked. Alice was an angel. And boy did Frank know it . 

Skip to the dinner date 

Frank and Alice walked into the restaurant hand in hand smiling like big meatballs!When they reached the table , frank pulled out alice's chair so he could let his lady sit down before he did as he was a true gentleman. The waiter came over to the couple and asked what they would like to drink and eat , so they ordered and ate their meal. If you were a passing you would have thought you were looking at a romantic chick flick film . when they were halfway through desert frank leant across and kissed alice on the cheek and then clasped her hands in his and said ' alice , bubs i'm so glad that we've spent so many amazing experiences and feelings together and i can't wait for the future and maybe ,maybe if i play my cards right we might be able to have little alices and franks. I love you so much alice'

After the big love speech alice was getting sleepy and frank wanted to cuddle with alice in his bed while watching more marvel movies , so they got to frank's and got changed into more sensible clothes for relaxing/sleeping . Frank dimmed the lights as the The avengers:civil war credits started up and he looked over to his bed and saw alice dozing and it was so cute not to miss so he got his phone out and took a picture making it his lock and home screen. 

Wow , what a day of great and amazing adventures frank thought. 

Alice was a queen and she deserved every bit of love that frank could give her

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