Anniversary date-Chapter 46

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This weekend was the three year anniversary of Alice and Frank getting married.

Alice did not know the plans of this weekend, all she was told by Frank was that she needed to pack a suitcase and pack an overnight bag for Brad as he would come with them then he would go to Jess's to stay the weekend.

The car journey to the secret anniversary destination was long but Alice's mind wandered back to the past couple of months to see if Frank had given any hints as to what this weekend would entail.

She remembered when Frank asked if Alice had a lovely cotton red dress, Alice didn't have one so he decided to splash out and purchase one for her.

Then he asked her if she had ever been for a romantic beach date , she replied with "once, the guy was a dick and quite frankly I don't remember it very well as it wasn't good enough to stay put in my memory."

Frank had chuckled to himself while driving as he knew that Alice would be taken aback by the plans he had rearranged all by himself.

"Here we are my love" Frank said as the car came to a halt.

Alice got up from the passenger seat and saw the most beautiful, crisp white beach house.

"Are you being serious? We are staying here. Oh my god! Thank you so much Frank. I love you!" Alice said before she launched herself to kiss Frank as a massive thank you.

They walked up to the door with Brad in front of them and saw that the owner had left a note on the door.

The note read - hi, please enjoy yourself this weekend (wink, wink!!!) You should have food, water and other supplies all in the house. Lovely views from the master(take as much advantage as you would like for photos as its a very rare and spectacular view!)

The owner.

Alice, Frank and Brad walked all holding hands and gasping at the interior of the house.

Accents of blue glimmer in the natural sunlight.

The beach had really been brought inside of the house.

Seashells, bottles of sand, and pebbles scattered around the living room.

The sofa was cream and had blue cushions, blue blankets.

When they walked into the kitchen , the counter island had a large wicker hamper basket , full of baked goods, teas, coffee pods, and small essentials.

"This is so sweet and kind." Alice said

Frank hoisted Alice up into his arms and carried her to the master bedroom.

The bedroom was all a light baby blue apart from the white painted wood furniture.

The light came in gorgeously, from the massive pane of glass that took up the entire wall.

From the window you could see the start of the sand and the start of the ocean met up.

"Wow, this view is amazing. Look, you can see the white lines of the ocean from here." Alice said as she was so surprised and overwhelmed with such a stunning view.

Frank enjoyed seeing Alice in this habitat where she got carried away with the littlest of things.

"Shall we get some lunch, then go down to the water?" Frank questioned as he made his way out of the bedroom, and walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see some bread from the local bakery and some bacon.

So for lunch it was bacon sarnies- bacon sandwich.

While Frank was frying the bacon, Brad and Alice were in the living room practising his counting with the pebbles.

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