A long romantic evening-Chapter 22

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-Alice then stroked Franks brown strands of hair “Frank , what is it ?'' Alice murmured. Frank had no idea how to phrase it without him sounding selfish and weird. Here goes, thought frank “ bubba, i love you so much and i've been thinking about the future a lot , good parts and the bad parts. I found that we need a third party in this relationship and we both know that we are too young to have a baby , what about us going to the pet rescue and getting a puppy as a first “child '' Frank said with inverted comma signal when he said child.

Alice’s reply was short and snappy “ aww frank that's adorable , i would love to, but i have to tell you something and you promise me you wouldn't freak out , as it's a massive life changing  decision i've made.” 

Alice was trying to prepare herself mentally for what she was about to tell frank. 

Frank could see straight through Alice, she had become palier and her breathing became short and heavy.

“Bubs, I promise you i want have a bad reaction, tell me and then we shall tackle it together” Frank said while holding alcie’s hands . 

“ right umm.. Frank I got a letter and an email from the best of the best , nanny agencies and they want me  to go to the interview in new york and once i get accepted i'd be there for a maximum of five years.'' Alice said to frank.

Frank was shocked , he was so happy that she had been offered the best of the best , but what did this mean for their relationship , did they do long-distance , did they break it off, surely he was allowed to come there, surely.


After both secrets had been spilled , the couple were gobsmacked,  Frank believed that she wouldn't leave him forever but now she was leaving him for five whole years. Frank wanted to have a puppy , so when they both came home they would be greeted by someone other than themselves. 

Alice knew that she wasn't going to be sleeping , her anxiety was lingering in the air as soon as she opened her mouth to tell frank. Now that he wasn't replying made it even worse .

Alice was delighted that Frank wanted to expand the family but,  now that she was leaving it didn't feel right. 

Frank was the brave one (once again) to speak up "i'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight" he said miserably. Alice moving her head up and down signalling yes. 

Alice got the spare duvet and pillow out and gave them to frank. While Frank got under the duvet on the sofa , Alice got back into the bed that they shared for a few hours beforehand. 

The next morning 

Alice woke up to Frank screaming at someone down the phone . Her curiosity got the best in her and she walked to voice to see who he was talking to. "I thought you told me she wasn't going to get in , and now she's told me you've given her a spot" Frank yelled at the top of his voice. 

Alice started to cry . How could someone who loved and cared deeply about her sabotage her future.After Alice had heard the conversation,  she changed out of her pyjamas into a cute spaghetti strap top with ripped jeans and pumps and walked out of the house and she went to Anna's house. 

At Anna's house,  Alice was discussing the drama that happened last night between her and frank. Anna was shocked , she would have thought  that frank would have been over the moon for her as it was her dream. 

Anna tried to comfort Alice but nothing seemed to work. Anna felt incredibly upset for Alice as Alice had dealt with a short period of depression after leaving school. 

Alice was currently sitting on the egg chair that was hanged in Anna's guest bedroom. Her knees were hugged tightly to her chest as she cried out all the emotions she had kept inside from last night's fiasco(drama).

Anna wanted to have a word with Frank without Alice knowing,  but she knew that she wasn't able to do that as Alice would find out soon enough. 

Frank POV

While i was arguing about the restaurant reservations for tonight for me and Alice to celebrate her achievement, even though it made me sad about thinking of our future, I wanted to have a lovely evening with her. 

When I was listening to the owner of the restaurant, I could hear movement coming from our bedroom. I thought it was Alice doing her morning routine, but when I got off the phone she had long gone and she took her important belongings with her. I knew vaguely where she had gone.

 It was definitely Anna's house. Instead of me going over there , I went to the party decorating shop and bought loads of balloons and banners as I wanted the house to look pretty as we were celebrating my favourite girls achievement , I had invited our families over and I had messaged Anna. 

Messages between Anna and Frank 

F- hey , is Alice still sad , tell her to come home with you and bring John there is a surprise at home. 

A- Hey frank. Yes she is,  I certainly shall ,very excited to see what you have planned. I'm hoping she will be excited when she sees how lucky she is to have you in her life. 

Alice Pov

As I sadly walked into the hallway of mine and frank house , to my surprise and delight the house was cleaned , gold and pink balloons were arranged in little love hearts and there was a white banner with the words , "baby , congratulations i love you frank". Alice was utterly shocked,  there she was being incredibly upset while Frank had planned a celebration for her at home.

When Alice walked further into the house she was embraced by Frank who kissed her and held her tightly in her arms and he whispered in her ear " bubba , I would love you to put on that sexy laced red dress we brought for your 19th birthday as we are going to 'the Vineyard' as I know its your favourite and we haven't been there in a while so I thought that I would treat you". 

Alice's smile showed and reflected from wall to wall. She was so happy that Frank was proud and so understanding of her acceptance into the best of the best company. 

Alice got changed and walked down the stairs and turned many heads around by her entrance. Too frank she looked like a goddess and quite frankly everyone agreed with him. 

Alice and Frank walked around chatting to everyone. They were all over the moon for her.

Two hours later,  frank and Alice climbed into the taxi they had ordered to take them to 'the Vineyard'. Once they had arrived Alice lachted her arm under franks as she lifted the bottom of the dress up and walked into the entrance room. 

Once they were sat down with wine , they toasted " to the success in our lives" Alice cheered and then realised he said 'our. " wait, did you get accepted into the British academy of rugby?" Frank nodded. 

Both of them had achieved a part of their aspiration. Yet they had to have a massive conversion about what the future held for their love. 

Did they have to break up?

Alice and Frank enjoyed the romantic evening and the company of each other. When they got home , Frank showed his love and gratitude in multiple ways . 

Alice and Frank turned over onto their separate sides of the bed panting, and smiling . A night to remember for ever definitely. Alice knew and was thankful it was Saturday tomorrow.

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