Chapter 14

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Authors Note: hi guys 

So I'm currently in the process of some drafts for this book as I'm in school, currently this makes it a tad harder to keep regular updates. But fear not , I shall keep drafting so you have lots to read and look forward too!! X

The rain hit the glass plane with a high force causing a loud thunder to irrupt. Frank rolled over sponning alice, frank heard alice whimper softly as she was slightly scared of the thunder . So Frank grabbed ahold of Alice's hips in a secure protecting way and he softly kissed her cheeks making Alice slowly roll tighter and closer to frank. The rain was still hitting harder against the windows. Frank really needed to use the bathroom , but Alice was so close to him he didn’t want to disturb his sleeping beauty.How could he disturb her. So he gently kissed her cheek and went to the bathroom to do his business.  When he came back Alice was sitting back up in bed stretching. "Good morning bubba,how did you sleep?" "I slept good ,thank you and I'm glad you were beside me ,it was comfy '' Frank chuckled. Frank drew the curtains and got back into bed with Alice and they cuddled and chatted. 

It was now 11am , they both got out of bed and Alice had an idea . "Babe can we please do some yoga together? Frank was silent.  "Sure bubs , I'll get the mats  then we can start."  So they did some yoga , tree pose , cat , dog ,mouse and a lot of others.  While doing one of the poses , Frank said "wow bubs you look good here , I like this view " Alice was astonished,  she did not expect that from Frank.  

Then she remembered the lingerie set she had brought from Victoria secret.  Alice walked into the bathroom carrying the bag in her hands and changed into the set. She walked out and knocked on Frank's door and he opened and grabbed Alice by hips aggressively and in a playful way and growled at her. 

Frank-"Hey sexy!"

Alice- I'm sexy am I 

Frank- damn right you are , now come her so you can sit on my lap and we can make out.

Alice giggled and walked over to straddle Frank's lap. He grabbed her hips, pulled her closer than ever and moved her chestnut brown hair to behind her neck and he roughly sucked and bit her neck . 

Alice circled her hips round and round on Frank's lap. Making both of them moan and giggle. Their make out session then got incredibly heated and we all know what happened next.

Deep heavy breaths were heard. Alice had her left leg over Frank's waist and Alice's traces shapes over Frank's chest,Frank was giving sweet kisses on all the Marks he had painted on her . The experience was perfect for both of them.  It was definitely an experience to remember forever.  

Alice started to get very cold; so frank pulled the cover over both of them and pulled Alice closer to both of them and gave alice a kiss on the forehead before saying "bubs , that was magical , I couldn't of wished to have done that with anyone else, I'm sorry I had to rip it though considering you just brought it , but I'll get you some more so we have the same experience again as it was bloody amazing , you can sleep now or we can order takeout and then watch something " "awww, babes it was amazing and it's ok that you ripped it I liked that side of you it make me feel amazing, can we please have Chinese takeout." 

So the Chinese was delivered and demolished, french kisses were exchanged,  embraces and films were watched . That's what happened.  

~The next day~

The sun shone brightly over the large townhouse in which Frank and Alice were sleeping peacefully.  Alice was sleeping peacefully until she had a nightmare. 

-The nightmare- 

Frank was on a date with his ex girlfriend who was abusive and possessive. Alice was walking past where they were,  Alice could see his ex kicking him,slapping his face so much that he had several black bruises everywhere.  Alice wanted to help so badly , but she was incredibly vulnerable so much so that when she went over to help his ex kicked her in between her legs . Alice woke up screaming making Frank wake up as well . Frank was so worried as to why Alice woke up screaming , did she ache,had she started her period or had she had a terrible nightmare . "Bubs,it's ok I'm here . I need you to tell me what happened at your own pace whenever you are ready I'm here to listen, before you talk I just want to say how much I love you and that I'm always going to be here with you" he kissed her forehead and pulled her up onto his chest so they could cuddle. Alice was leant very closely into Frank's chest as it felt like home and it was her safe space . "Umm , I had a bad nightmare " Alice said while sobbing into Frank's chest , he rubbed her back up and down soothing her cries . Alice then tried to speak again (it was very muffled but Frank knew what she was saying) "it was her,your ex, she um she hit you several times ,punched and I wanted to help you as I was walking by , but then um she um she um hit me in between the um legs and I wasn't able to save you , I'm so sorry Frank."

Frank was saddened that Alice had to have a dream like this , it was something Frank never wanted Alice to experience. His ex had no idea that Alice and Frank were dating so Alice clearly just dreamt that she did . Frank wanted to spend all week with Alice just to himself, but that couldn't happen as school was to start tomorrow . Neither of them wanted to go but they both knew that they had close friends and each other that they could calm down with if anything was to happen at school. 

So there sunday sounded a bit like this, shower together exchanging a few kisses and that was it.  Then go on a large dog walk , then cook a sunday roast,  eat with Frank's family; then go upstairs to eat ice cream and watch their Netflix series they had started to watch together.  

Then it got to 10pm and Alice had to go home as it was Sunday and her school uniform was there and she wanted her own bed for one night . She loved her weekend with Frank, but she needed her own thoughts as she was due her period soon and she wanted to be with herself . 

Frank did not  want  Alice to leave him , but he knew that she had to go. He drove to her house and kissed her on the doorstep and said "goodnight bubs, please sleep well and I love you very much " "goodnight baby, I'll try and thank you for a lovely weekend and I love you more". 

And with that Alice walked into her house and got into her pyjamas and went to sleep, dreading the week ahead of her. 

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