Chapter 12

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After leaving the lover birds at the cinema , Alice and Frank walked to Frank's house hand in hand and occasionally there was a little smooch here and there.

 Frank was about to text his mum to ask if it was alright for him to have Alice around for a sleepover , Alice than mumbled softly ' baby can you carry me please ' he then scooped Alice up in a bridal style and carried her , she fell asleep in his arms on the way to his house and she whispered ' thank you ,  wove u'(in a sleepy voice) Frank was beaming not smiling beaming , Alice was so cute and he loved her for it .

Frank then had to kick the front door ever so slightly so that he sister opened the door and she saw Alice fast asleep in his arms and she said to frank ' she better be my sister in law soon otherwise you are a bloody dickhead for letting her go ' frank then replied ' oh Jess don't u worry shes already going to carry  my children and i wouldn't dare let her go . 

Frank walked carefully up the stairs and into his room , he then tugged Alice onto the bed and then he realised that she couldn't go to sleep in jeans and a crop top . So he tried to wake Alice up by calling her bubs and kissing her face . she woke up and kissed Frank . Frank then asked if Alice was able to get changed into a pair of his shorts and hoodie or if she needed help , Alice said that she wanted help .

So being the kind hearted man , Frank did that , he took off her jeans and she whimpered when frank accidentally got close to her underwear and it was so frustrating that he had to get a boner from that . He was so uncomfortable with the fact that he had become hard. He tried to not make any weird movements or sounds that would make Alice notice what was going on . So one Alice was all dressed,  Frank went to the bathroom and did his business.  When he came back out alice was sitting on the edge of the bed looking worried . 

Frank walked over to the edge of the bed and gave Alice a kiss on the cheek and asked her if she was ok . Alice took a while to respond, until she said,  'frank you're not going to try anything in the bed are you ?' He shook his head side to side immediately. He was shocked she even asked.  

Alice then embraced Frank and said 'let's sleep, as I need my beauty sleep' Frank replied 'of course bubba, we both do!' 

So with that , they spooned and kissed one another and drifted off to sleep peacefully in the comfort of each other's arm . 

Next morning;

Alice woke up before Frank,  she went to sit up , only to find that Frank had a tight grip on her, making her fall down again.  She went to find her phone as she did , she heard a grumble coming from Frank.  

So she leant over and said 'morning my love , sleep well' Frank chuckled and replied with ' the best bubs'. 

Alice looked at the time,  oh my it was 1PM! They had gotten back so late from the night before that they had slept in quite late as well.  

As Alice was about to get up , there was a knock at Frank's bedroom door . It was Jess, his sister , coming in with a pot of tea and some toast , so that they would be able to have breakfast peacefully and together.  

Jess then asked if Alice was able to have a chat with Jess . So Alice said she would be out in a few as she wanted to make sure she looked presentable.  So Alice came out of Frank's room and called for jess. 

Jess came back towards Frank's door and just hugged Alice tightly and whispered 'You are one of the girls in this family,  thank you for making Frank happy, and I hope we can be sisters' Alice laughed and nodded in agreement.  She loved that Jess was going to be like her big sister.  Alice was so caught up in thinking about parting or even going shopping.  That she had forgotten about breakfast.  

As she walked in the room , Frank was on his phone watching some youtube video . But when he heard the door open ,he saw his perfect, gorgeous, beautiful Alice.  Alice was his little bundle of joy. Frank couldn't have been anywhere near as happy with someone else. He was very glad that only Alice had this affect on him . 

Frank then opened his arms so that Alice could snuggle into his shoulder and put her head on his chest , which he had clearly sprayed as it smelt amazing.  Alice then placed her fingers on his chest creating a circle and words . 

Alice's stomach then rumbles really loudly,  signalling to them that they should have some of the toast that Jess had brought them .  So Alice climbed back in bed with Frank . They kissed and chatted then they consumed all the food that Jess had brought for them. 

It was delicious. 

They then got ready for their day ahead. 

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