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A/N: Hey there lovely readers. I can't even explain how sorry I am that I haven't uploaded, especially because I haven't even had writers block!! But in my defence, I've had netball every night, then there was Valentine's day and weekend of which I was busy because it was really nice weather. And then yeah, I have a LOT of homework. As in, 2 hours most nights. And I have 4 SACS (which are important tests for those who don't know what they are) in one week; next week. So I am almost definitely not going to upload for another week but stay with me! I will as soon as I can. Thank you so much for staying and being patient and just awesome!! Anyway, enough rambling.. Enjoy!!


I was getting ready. It was 6:30pm and I knew Reece would be here at 7pm to walk me to the party. Hannah Stark was having her ‘Sweet Sixteenth’, something unheard of in our small town. Everyone from our year was invited, so I knew something was going to happen.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My dress was all shades of green; looking like a forest on fabric that reached my mid-thigh. My bracelets matched my dress while my necklace was the locket I’d received for my fifteenth birthday. It was gold, with little carvings engraved on the back. From the front, it looked like an ordinary necklace. No one would know how much it meant to me.

My hair was in its usual two plaits, hanging down to the small of my back. They didn’t look right. For the one time in all of my individual existence, I pulled the hair-ties from my plaits and let my hair hang loose. It was thick, cascading over my shoulders in waves. Much better.

“Rainy! He’s here!”

My heart beat faster as I took one last look in the mirror. I had to tell myself to breathe, as I turned the door handle and faced the hallway. I stopped in my room to get my small shoulder bag with my phone already packed in it, before exiting, closing the door behind me.

I made it to the stairs in the first pair of heels I’d bought, thinking only about making it to the ground floor safely. My hand gripped the banister as I made my way down, taking the steps one by one until my feet were planted safely on even ground.

I figured they would be waiting in the kitchen, so that’s where I headed; careful to stay by the walls at all times. Two voices drifted from the lounge room so I changed my course. Mumma and Pappa had gone out for the evening, so I couldn’t have had the voices confused.

I rounded the corner and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. He was wearing nice jeans with a button down t-shirt, his hair neatly styled to the side. The only thing of the boy I knew were the black Connies that he went nowhere without. I couldn’t help but smile.

When I looked up to his face, his mouth was slightly ajar, dark eyes wide.

“You okay, bro? You seem a bit flustered,” Landon asked with a smirk, patting Reece on the back. He shook his head as the biggest grin I’d ever seen consumed his face.

“Damn,” he breathed, shaking his head again. “Come on. Let’s go.” He offered his elbow to me and I took it with a smile. Being around Reece was like taking a drug; it caused immense relaxation and happiness.

“Have fun, guys,” Landon called after us, as Reece opened the door for me. “Oh and Rainy?”

I paused, turning back to Landon while leaving Reece at the door. He was still in the living room but walking to the front door, so as I rounded the corner we ran into each other.

“Shit, sorry sis,” he said, putting his hands on my arms to steady me. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

I laughed at his antics. “It’s okay, it was both of our faults.”

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