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Jax and I was at the front of the line so I could direct them where to go and by the time we pulled into mine and Katies apartment complex we were all exhausted.   "Yall can sleep in the living room tonight and I will stay up packing my room so we can just make some stops tomorrow on our way out of town. I told them as I handed them blankets and went to my room to start packing up my clothes. I was almost finished when Jax came in there.   "It's going to be nice having you back Astrid." he said from my doorway as I was taking all the pictures down from my wall.   "It's just odd going back. I never thought I would." I said to him as I sat on the bed and started going thru the pictures that were once scattered all along one of my walls. "Remember this?" I said to him as I showed him a picture from my 17th birthday. The entire club was standing infront of the club house with me. "That was the year your dad punched Tig for saying he was counting down the days until you were legal." Jax said chuckling. I laughed as we continued to look thru the pictures. We came across one of me and Jax on my 18th birthday. Right before I left. He was kissing me on the cheek and the picture was taken right after he and I got back to the club house. I quickly tried to put it away before he seen it but he took it from my hands before I could. "Hey I remember this. I can't believe you still have this." He said smiling at the picture. "I forgot about it even being up there. Katie and I got this apartment 4 years ago when I first moved here." I said to him. "That was the night I took your virginity, right?" he said glancing at me. I know I was as red as a tomato when I nodded and took the picture from him. "Yup, that's also the night before I left." I quickly stated and got up and continued packing. He got up and helped me take somethings down that I was to short to reach and he would brush up against me ever so often. Once the room was packed I grabbed a change of clothes from the top of the box. Just a black tanktop and jeans and a white lace bra and pantie set. I started to walk off to the bathroom before Jax grabbed my hand and pulled me back against his chest. I gasped and looked up into his bright blue eyes. "You can't just keep running from me Astrid. I know I'm not the only one that has had these feelings. You wouldn't have gave me the most important thing to you if I was." He said right before he kissed me deeply. He grabed the back of my neck and pulled my waist closer to him as he bit my bottom lip and then slid his tongue into my mouth. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled away.  "We will talk about all this when we get back to Charming and I know you aren't leaving me anymore." He said against my ear before he let me go and I quickly ran to the bathroom. I showered and tried to get the feeling of Jax out of my head but I couldn't. "What am I doing? This is why I left." I said to myself. I got out and wrapped a towl around me and walked back into my room to find it empty. I got dressed quickly and brushed my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and for the first time in years I hated what I seen. I wasn't the same person I was years ago and I didnt even recognize myself. Yet on the inside I was still that same sassy girl that came from a motorcycle club. I put my hair up and grabbed my keys. I slipped out the window onto the balcony and climbed down like I had done many times to get away from parties Katie and I would throw. I snuck past Halfsack who was asleep on his bike while he was supposed to be keeping watch and I got in my car and drove off before anyone noticed. I got out my phone and called my friend Sarah.   "Hey are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a few days." She said as she answered the phone.   "I am fine, I actually went back to my home town yesterday. Long story. But can you meet me at the salon? Please?" I said as I drove in the direction of her shop.  "I'm actually still here. Had a client who took a bit longer than expected. Are you okay? It's 10 pm. Why would you need a salon this late? Wait, are you having a mid life crisis? Because you are way to young for that." She said. "I just need a change. Go ahead and mix up a medium brown please. I am pulling in." A couple hours later my hair was just a bit past my shoulders, its natural color again and layered like I use to have it. I gave her all my makeup and went to the local drug store and bought some neutral colors that didn't cover any of my natural features. It was around 2am when I got back and Jax and Opie stood with their arms crossed at the front of the complex. "Shit." I said as I pulled in. When I stepped out then Opie stormed over to me. "Where the hell were you?!" he shouted. "Calm the fuck down bub, I don't have to answer to you." I said as I stepped around him. "Astrid you can't just run off like that." Jax said as I walked past him. Since when is he the calm one? "Look you two. I dont need a baby sitter. I have done fine on my own." I said as I walked into my apartment. "Astrid? What did you do to your hair?" Katie said as I walked in. "Actually I went back to my natural color. I am tired of looking like someone that I'm not." I said to her as I walked back to my room. Her and Jax both following me. I pulled out all the tight fighting clothes I had started wearing and all of the stripper outfits along with most of the heels I had that weren't casual and handed them to Katie. "You need them way more than I do. My dancing days are over." I said to her and she looked shocked. "Are you sure?" She asked. I looked at Jax standing in the doorway smiling. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'll be staying in Charming." I said as she hugged me. I barely slept the entire night because of my nerves but once morning hit then I was beyond ready to just get it over with. The guys all loaded my belongings into the hauler and I handed chibs the keys to my car. "Jax and I have a few stops to make on our way out of town but we will catch up." I said to Opie. He nodded and the rest of them took off back to Charming. "I am going to miss you so much. Don't forget to call and if you need anything at all get ahold of me." I said to Katie as I hugged her. "Be safe girl. And Jax," He raised his head to look at her, "Don't fuck it up this time." She smirked at him and he laughed. I rolled my eyes and got on the back of his bike. We stopped to have my mail forwarded to Charming and a couple places for me to say some goodbye's. The last stop was at the bar I worked at. I got off the bike and Jax looked at me. "This is where you have been working? You were a stripper?" He said to me. I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my feet. "I mainly was just a server but I danced on some nights." I said to him. "I am so glad your brother didn't find out about this." He said as he walked in behind me. I asked the girls out front where Alex was and they said he was in his office so I walked back there. "Astrid! I am so glad you are here! Did you dye your hair? Nevermind all that, I need you on the stage tonight. We made a killing night before last." He said as he got up. "Actually Alex I was comming by to quit. I'm moving back to Charming." I said and he looked shocked. "But you can't. You are my best girl!" He said as he started to get mad. Jax stepped infront of me and puffed out his chest. "She said she quit. And I suggest you not shouting at my girl like that." He said intimidatingly. Alex quickly stepped back down as Jax ushered me back out of the building. "Your girl, huh?" I said laughing. "Let's just get the fuck out of this shit hole town." He said still visibly angry. I got back on his bike and we headed back to Charming.

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