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When I was in the shower that night I heard Jax slip in the bathroom and I heard his clothes hit the floor before he stepped in the shower with me. "You seem stressed baby. Let me help you relax some." He said as he backed me into the wall and started kissing me softly. I kissed him back as he picked me up by my thighs and had me wrap my legs around his waist. He entered me instantly and his lips absorbed my screams as he fucked me hard against the shower wall. I got off 3 times with him fucking me and rubbing me all over before he finally released into me and set me down. "Damn babe. Now I am going to be sore tomorrow." I said to him laughing as I rested my forhead against his chest. "Well Tig is on duty tomorrow so I had to make sure you thought about me all day." He said laughing. We got out and it didn't take me long before I was asleep on his chest. The next day at work it was slow. The agent didnt come by and I was the only one working. It was around 4 pm when I heard a bunch of bikes comming down the road. "Get down!" Tig yelled as he ran in and pushed me behind the counter. Next thing I know the entire dinner is being peppered with bullets as Tig and I covered our heads behind the counter. The shooting stopped as the bikes drove away and I quickly crawled over to Tig. "You okay?" I asked him as I checked him for any wounds. "Yeah I wasn't hit. Was you?" He said as he raised up and helped me up. "No I'm good. Call Jax. I have to call the owner." I said as I picked up the phone to call Mrs. Jenkins. She was upset about the dinner but more thankful that I wasn't hurt. She told me she would call the insurance company and get the repairs started as soon as she could but that she would still continue to pay me for the shifts I was scheduled to work. I walked over to Tig once I got off the phone. "The guys are on the way." He said as he pulled out a ciggerette. I nodded and I sat on the bar as we waited on them. Jax was the first off his bike to come running to me and Opie was close behind him. "I am so glad you are okay Astrid. Was you hurt at all?" He said as he checked me all over. "No babe. Tig reacted just in time." I said as he hugged Tig and thanked him for protecting me. "Not a problem man. She is one of us." He said. "We need help with this. There is to many of them if they are teaming up with the Myans." Clay said as he looked around the ruined place. "What about the Irish?" Jax said as he held me close to him. "I was thinking the same thing." Clay said as he picked up his phone and walked off to make the call. Jax placed his chin on the top of my head as we waited for Clay to come back. "Everyone go home and pack your things. We are going to Ireland. Meet back at the clubhouse and they are sending the plane over now. We board in 2 hours." Clay said as we all walked out. "You are going with us. I wont leave you here unprotected." Jax said to me and I nodded and got on his bike. Once we got home Jax stayed in the livingroom to explain everything to dad as I packed clothes for him and I. We were only going to be staying for one night and leaving out on the second night so I didn't have to pack much. Once I finished packing I started the shower. I was covered in dust and wood peices from the drive by. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a lose T-shirt and walked to the bathroom. I stood in the shower just letting the water wash off all the stress of the day and mentally preparing myself for the next 48 hours. When I stepped out Jax was standing at the bathroom door and handed me a towel. "I could have lost you today, ya know?" He said as he stepped forward to dry me off. "I didn't even have time to react. It all just happened so fast." I said to him as I pulled my bra and panties on. "Tig saved the most important person in the world to me. I owe him my life." He said to me and he helped me put my shirt on. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes and kissed his cheek. "We have to get going baby. We are going to be late." I said to him as I slipped on my jeans and socks. He grabbed our bag as I was slipping on my shoes and we were out the door. The plane ride over was long. Jax and I slept most of the way so by the time we got to Ireland then we were wide awake. "I have to go talk O'Conner alone to try to convince him to help us. The rest of you try not to get into to much trouble." Clay said to us as Jax, Chibbs, Opie, Tig and I started down the streets. "I am going to find some pussy. Whore houses are still legal in this beautiful country." Tig said with a smile across his face. "I'm right behind ya." Chibbs said as the two men took off walking down the street. Jax, Opie and I continued down the street laughing and joking until we heard a bunch of yelling and cheering around the back of a building. "Let's go check it out." Opie said as we started walking to the noise. Once we got there we seen a big ring of people and two men fighting in the middle. Jax and Opie looked at eachother smiling. "Oh no, I know that look." I said and next thing I know Jax was handing me his T-shirt and kut as he walked in the ring to fight the winner. Opie and I made our way to the front as the men sqared up and a man walked around taking bets. "That one yours?" The man with a thick Irish accent asked Jax motioning in my direction. Jax smirked and nodded. "It's going to be my pleasure beating your ass and then taking your girl home with me." he said grinning at Jax. "You couldn't handle her, even if she would give you the time of day." Jax said as he threw the first punch. I gasped every time Jax took a punch but I was so proud when he would deliver a blow back that had more power. I had watched Jax fight multiple times growing up but every time I was always a bundle of nerves. Jax got the man down and he smirked over at me before he knocked him out earning cheers from the entire crowd. He got up and ran over picking me up and kissed me. His body was covered in sweat but I didn't care. He put me down as soon as we heard the sirens and everyone scattered. "Okay love birds, gotta go." Opie said as he grabed my hand and pulled me into an alley while Jax followed us closely so we could all get out of there unseen. Once we were away from there Jax slipped on his shirt and kut and we casually walked out of the alley into the street nodding at the older couple we passed who looked at us oddly. We all laughed and headed back to the inn we were staying at. Clay and O'Conner was there in the lobby when we walked in. "Where is Tig and Chibbs? And what happened to your hands and face?" Clay said as Jax just laughed and shugged his shoulders. "Nevermind all that, O'Conner is going to help us. We just have to lay low for a month so he can get some things together." Clay said as Jax grabbed my hand and started to pull me up to the room we were staying in. "Good deal, we got it covered." Jax yelled as he unlocked our door.

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