Let's get back to it, shall we? We'll start of with a banger and I'll give you my idea for a story I probably won't write ever. I like planing these things but I'm not the best at writing stories. I usually just write short stories. They're much easier for me.
I will write short stories based off of these, though! Don't worry haha.‼️Some of these headcanons may be triggering so the warnings are down below!‼️
⚠️Mentions of alcohol, getting drunk, and yelling.⚠️
* Quackity and Schlatt got close through a year or two and secretly eloped. No one knows about them at this point.
* Schlatt has Tubbo as a kid (he's a toddler in this AU) and Quackity loved taking the role of a parent. He fit the part almost perfectly. He's protective and caring, but knows how to have fun and be a friend to the boy as well.
* Schlatt has a drinking and smoking problem, but it's been getting better. (Trying to not have angst I want wholesomeness ;-; )
* Schlatt likes to head-butt things he cares about, ex; Quackity and his son (who does it back cause they both be goats).
* Tubbo doesn't speak much, he makes little 'baah' noises out of habit when he's tired, which Schlatt can sometimes understand.
* Quackity loves it when his partners play with his wings, the touch is soft and calming.
* Quackity has both his wings!! Yay!
* Tubbo has a secret friend he met while outside one night. He met them one night while playing outside. (Hehe guess~)
* Tubbo is also friends with Tommy, who is Philza's adoptive son.
* Awesamdude is Quackity's adoptive father!
* Tubbo and Schlatt have floppy goat ears.
* When Sapnap and Karl come into the picture, Quackity feels immense guilt. He starts to question if he's capable of love. Then he realizes he loves all three of them.
* Karl's hair covers his eyes, but somehow he can still see.
* His time traveling powers happen at random, be he controls when he leaves the story.
* He likes to share the stories to Tubbo at bedtime when he gets the chance. Tubbo's the only one who gets to hear the stories.
* Sapnap is a nether demon! He can burst into flames at high emotions which can easily get out of control if he's not careful. It's based off his surroundings as well.
* He has a long devils tail and small devil horns.
* Karl and Sapnap have been together since they were teens! They own a average sized home in a flower biome not too far from spawn.
* Sapnap snaps his fingers a lot, which causes sparks/embers
* When Quackity tried to explain to Schlatt that he had feelings for Karl and Sapnap, and that the two boys reciprocated those feelings, he got extremely upset.
* They didn't talk for a few days, but Quackity wrote a long note saying that he understood why Schlatt what upset, but that he couldn't just hide his feelings forever.
* Schlatt decided to meet Karl and Sapnap one day, wanting to get to know them.
* Karl was in awe by Schlatt. His big horns were really cool to him. You could say that there was that small 'you see a picture of someone and your like oh they're kinda hot' type of vibe.
* Sapnap didn't like Schlatt at first, the two butted heads in a lot of different ways, and they argued a lot.
* Schlatt did like that there was someone who could 'get angry' with him, though.
* Quackity decided to have Karl and Sapnap over one night, forgetting Schlatt would be home (Tubbo was staying at Philza's for a sleepover) (AND NO THEY'RE NOT DOING THE DIRTY YOU STINKY PEOPLE)
* When Karl and Sapnap arrived the greeted Schlatt casually, which confused Quackity. Sapnap filled him in and the news make the avian a little giddy.
* The four just hung out all night, having a fun time either watching movies, listing to music and belting out the lyrics like madmen, or just chilling and talking.
* Hanging out became a regular thing for them.
* About half a year later Quackity finally got to get together with Sapnap and Karl.
* Schlatt was uncomfortable at first, but knew it made Quackity happy. He warmed up to it with time. During that time he got closer with Karl. (Nothing big, just flirting here and there)
* Sapnap was worried he was going to get left out, which brought him into a small state of depression. He was stuck for about three weeks like this, his flame going out at the end of the first week.
* The three other men noticed this immediately and did absolutely everything they could to help Sapnap recover, Karl and Quackity giving him hugs, kisses and all the attention in the world but also space and time to himself.
* Of all three of them, Schlatt talked to Sapnap about the situation and gave him a shit load of advice, letting him know that he could relate because he felt like that when Quackity first mentioned him and Karl to him.
* Sapnap and Schlatt like to pull pranks on Karl and Quackity. Silly ones they find online that make absolutely no sense and don't work more of the time.
* Tubbo likes to run into the four adults head first, goat things. Schlatt does it too.
* One day Quackity has a long discussion with Schlatt. He wants to propose to Karl and Sapnap. Schlatt is already married to Quackity so he supports him to make him happy.
* Schlatt helps get rings and pep-talks Quackity through the whole thing because he proposed to him, so he knows how it goes.
* ——————————————————•
* The plan is to do it at home (Schlatt's and Quackity's shared house) sometime. Nothing too big or grand.
* The time comes, Sapnap and Karl are coming over for a normal visit, just to chill and hang out. Quackity is panicking in his room, wings fluttering a bit.
* Schlatt watches with a chuckle. He tries to calm Quackity down, doing so by sitting him down and going to get Tubbo.
* Tubbo instantly climbs into Quackity's arms, playing with his head wings and talking about what happened when he went over Tommy's house earlier that day.
* Quackity's parental instincts kicked in, calming him as he listened and chatted with his son.
* Karl and Sapnap arrive.
* The night carry's on smoothly, they eat dinner and are chilling in the living room when Quackity calls for everyone's attention.
* You can tell he's nervous, and Sapnap notices this. He asks if everything's okay and Quackity nods.
* His hands fumble in his pockets to take out the two small boxes, customized to represent each person.
* Sapnap's is solid black with his signature fire decal on the cover. The inside of it is a black and white checkered board pattern.
* Karl's is colorful, each side a different color. Purple, mustard yellow, teal, orange, and his green spiral was on top. The inside was green.
* Karl knew what was happening right away, and he gasped.
* Sapnap was confused, looking to Karl with a raised eyebrow. He got it only when Quackity knelt down on one knee.
* Quackity spoke about how much he loved them, how much he cared and cherished every moment he spent with his partners. Then asked the question; 'Will you both marry me.'
* Karl just giggles, nodding as he stands from the couch and practically tackles Quacity into a bear hug, he peppers kisses all over his face before letting him put the ring on his finger.
* Both were crying, obviously.
* Sapnap was mumbling 'Yes' over and over again quietly, and his horns sparked up then lit on fire. He was burning up, a lot.
* Karl let Quackity go to Sapnap, and Sapnap let out a small chuckle before cupping Quackity's cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
* Quackity wiped Sapnap's tears, which were pretty warm from how hot Sapnap was getting.
* Quackity slips the ring on Sapnap's finger and the three of them share a big hug and a bunch of small, sweet kisses.
* Schlatt was watching quietly, a wide ass grin on his face. He was happy for his husband.
* Karl paused then, looking to Quackity and then Sapnap. He proposed the idea of getting engaged to Sapnap as well so the three of them could all get married at the same time. He was technically proposing to Sapnap in the most subtle way possible.
* Sapnap and Quackity obviously agreed.
* The whole time Tubbo was asleep in his dads arms.
* After a few days Karl and Sapnap get rings for each other and Quackity, so they all have two rings.
* Quackity has three because of Schlatt's.
* Schlatts drinking problem has been getting a bit out of hand as of late, and his temper as well.
* Quackity and the others notice this and try to talk to him about it but he dismisses it.
* It takes about three-five months of heavy drinking for Schlatt to realize how bad he'd gotten. Tubbo had spotted him in his room one day completely drunk, and Schlatt had lashed out at him, yelling at him for nothing at all.
* He got yelled at by Quackity for it, and Tubbo wouldn't go near his dad for a few days afterwards.
* Tubbo is about 6 now, the thing that happened with Schlatt will probably be a big issue for him in the future. (Yay trauma!)
* Over the next few weeks, Schlatt weens his alcohol intake from lets say he was 10/10 to 6/10. Which is improvement, yay!
* Tubbo is a bit cautious around his dad, Schlatt notices this.
* Schlatt has a long talk about what happed that day with Tubbo, and the two heal a little bit. (A little bit)
* Its the time of the wedding, most of the server knows about it so almost everyone is there.
* It starts off choppy, but gets smooth towards the middle/end
* Tommy, the flower boy runs down the isle chucking flowers at the people in the seats.
* Tubbo is late to be the ring barrier because he was hanging out with his recently new friend, who he calls 'Ranboo' outside of the event.
* During his vows, Sapnap flames up for the first time in public from being so excited and most of the guests were, surprised to say the least.
* The kiss after being declared married was very sweet. The three took turns kissing each other, Karl peppering the others faces with small kisses as well. Sapnap's lips were warm, and Quackity just cried as the three walked down the isle.
* The reception was nice, the three shared dances, danced together and when the crowd joined in finally got to bust down some moves. They had a fun time.
* During this time, Quackity slipped away to find Schlatt.
* Schlatt was sitting at the table with Tubbo, who was playing hide and seek with Tommy. Tommy was hiding under the tabel but Tubbo didn't know that.
* Quackity pulled Schlatt to the dance floor as a slow song came on, and he danced with the taller male happily.
* Schlatt doesn't know how to dance, so he was stumbling starring down at Quackity's feet the whole time.
* At the end of the song, everyone's eyes were on the two of them. Then it dawned on them that no one knew they were even married.
* Schlatt took this opportunity to announce it, walking to the Dj and getting the mic.
* "Hello!" He says. "As you may have witnessed, me and MY HUSBAND just danced. Yes we are married. Suck it up bitches he has three husbands."
* When Schlatt and Quackity sat back at the table, they bursted into laughter.
* Then it was time for cake!
* Once the first slice was cut, Karl took a handful of its icing and smeared it over Sapnap's face.
* Sapnap's eyes widened as Quackity's laughter echoed the large room. Sapnap looked to Quackity and grabbed his head, pushing it down into the cake.
* This time Karl bursted into laughter, so did the guests.
* Quackity lifted his head and gasped, shaking it and letting cake fly off his face.
* Karl, feeling left out, cupped Quackity cakey cheeks and gave him a big kiss, getting cake all over his face now.
* Thank god for two cakes.That's all I have for right now! It's not a whole lot but it's definitely something to reignite the flame I have for this ship! I hope you all enjoyed! ^^

Karlschlattnapity Shenanigans!
FanfictionSo recently I've found the ship Karlschlattnapity! It consists of Karl, Schlatt, Sapnap, and Quackity from the Dream SMP! (Obviously, its in the ship name haha) I've gotten really into it and have been writing a lot of headcanons/one-shots that I th...