Relationships are hard, no matter how accepting or prepared you may be. [part 2]

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Implied light self-hatred(?)

⚠️this is set in the point of the 'Main Story' where Sapnap has a very negative mindset for a while because of his fear of being left out and

previous chapter is part 1

Overview: Surprisingly, from this unlikely circumstance Schlatt and Sapnap bond. Mutual understandings.

"I feel selfish for getting anxious about thoughts that I might be pushed aside or forgotten about even if there's like, no proof. I really fucking love Karl. I love Quackity, too. But they get along so damn well and I just- I don't want to lose them to each other."


As Sapnap speaks, Schlatt notes those same feelings seeping their way from the back of his mind.  He can 100% sympathize with Sapnap as he himself had to burden through those thoughts alone when Quackity first told him that he had crushes on the two other men.

It hurt like hell.

The jealousy and feeling that you aren't enough claws at your ankles, tendrils of guilt and self-hatred for wanting to keep your lover(s) all to yourself pulling you down into what feels like tons of bricks against your chest and fingers squeezing mercilessly around your throat.

You're suffocating in the completely rational aspect of your partner(s) loving another so much they eventually forget to love you. And them drifting away until the only thing holding on is you at the distant reality of what once was. The only thing keeping an already dead relationship afloat.

Of course, that wasn't the case with his marriage, nor was it the case with Sapnap's dilemma. Like the guy said himself, there's absolutely no proof that Quackity and Karl plan on simply leaving the demon to be with just each other. Quackity would be leaving him too, then, and he knows Quackity better than that.

But Sapnap's feelings and worries are valid. It's okay to get jealous and angry at this. Sharing a partner is a difficult feat on its own, even if all parties agree. Even more so with the shorter in love with both men dating each other. Schlatt can't imagine that, loving two people and seeing them enjoying a couple of things without him. Just the thought of it hurts him...

His gaze hadn't left Sapnap's face as the guy spoke, but his hands had started fiddling with the fabric of his sweatpants to ease his subtle nerves.

"I-It's stupid, right? I'm being... I-I'm being crazy thinking like this." Sapnap sunk lower into his bed, finally taking a sip of the still scolding hot water as he finished up his sob-filled rant and ran his eyes dry of burning tears.

"No." Schlatt frowned, one holding genuine understanding and worry.

"You're not stupid for thinking like this, man... You're not crazy. I get it. I really fucking get it."

It took a moment for Sapnap to click Schlatt's words in his mind. But when he does, he painfully sits himself back up and gives a clear nod, wiping his face with a heavy sigh.

"...You and Quackity.. that.. didn't even cross my mind. You- fuck, Schlatt. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I'm doing better with it now; over it for the most part." Schlatt lets the air take his words for a moment, and his gaze wanders.

"...But, it definitely fucking sucks. It sucked dealing with it alone. And- hell, this probably sounds real strange coming from my mouth but if.. if you need anyone. I get it."

Sapnap's lips purse and his eyes soften in a way he doesn't think Schlatt's ever seen. It's been a long time since he's felt heard like this about stress between his boyfriends. It's been a long time since he felt understood. And the hybrid was right; It's strange to hear this comfort from him.

He and Schlatt haven't had the best of relationships. There's been a lot of fighting, a lot of arguing, and a lot of very visible tension from the get-go. They shared anger, they fed off each other's hotheadedness and until now that seemed to be the only reason they even talked. When either or both were angry. The main reason they've put up with each other is for their partners. Quackity and Karl are the glue that's keeping them from tearing each other to shreds.

Now, though? In this one singular moment? Maybe that's changed. Maybe they have something they didn't before.

So as Sapnap calms down and warms up, and as Schlatt gives him that time to relax, there's a silent agreement that they'll be there for each other.

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