[God damn it's been a while! This is a few months old and it's quite angsty(?) I think that's the right work I don't 100% know lol. Enjoy anyways!]
[This isn't finished and will never be by the way! Like I said it's a few months old sooo yeah!]‼️There is triggering content, warnings are below like always!‼️
⚠️• Mentions of alcohol
•accusations of domestic abuse
•yelling/arguments⚠️Sapnap swung the door wide open, letting it hit the wall with a 'thud' as he stormed inside. He was wet, cold, and tired from the storm outside and just wanted to lay down and go to bed. As he tried to warm his body up, he shut the door and locked it, knowing the four other members of the household were home. He was always home last. Being a knight for Kinoko Kingdom had its perks with pay but the hours sucked, even if it was his and Karl's country.
The demon was busy slipping off his shoes when he heard someone come around from the hallway. It was Schlatt. "What the FUCK do you think you're doing slamming the damn door?! First of all you'll break the damn thing, secondly it's almost midnight and there's people trying to fucking sleep!" Sapnap ignored and shoved past him, walking into the kitchen to grab a drink. "Wow. What a fucking prick you are. You're so lucky I have to put up with your bullshit for Quackity or I would have beaten your ass months ago." "Beaten MY ass? Ha! Like you can beat me, goat boy. You're just a shallow drunk who got lucky with Quackity. I don't even know what duckling sees in you. You're disgusting."
Schlatt let out a grunt, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why don't we fight then? Right now! Outside with no armor and iron swords. Best man wins." Sapnap looked to him, shutting the fridge with the orange juice carton in hand. "Uhhh, no. I just got home from work and I plan to go to sleep." He opened it, finishing what was left of the orange liquid and then threw it out. "Sleep well, dickhead. Or don't. I don't care." The goat man looked pissed, glaring at Sapnap as he walked down the hallway and left to his and Karl's room. "Guess I'm sleeping alone tonight.. fucking assholes have to sleep together four times a week or some shit." He shuts the lights off, heading to his and Quackity's empty bed.
The next morning Schlatt woke up to Tubbo standing besides the bed, shaking his arm. "Hey, Dad?" He forced his eyes open, looking to his son. "Hm? What's up?" "Sapnap is yelling about you to Padre.. Did you do something wrong?" The goat man sighed loudly, sitting up. "Honestly, Tubs? Probably. But I always do something wrong." Standing from the bed and slipping on a shirt, he headed out of the room and into the living room.
"Sapnap you need to calm down.." Karl said as he stood besides his flaming boyfriend, who just shook his head. "No. Quackity, you have to realize that Schlatt is no good! He's such a fucking asshole and all he does is drink! How do you love someone like that?!" Tubbo had grabbed Schlatt's shirt, standing behind him. His dad just listened, an annoyed expression on his face. Quackity seemed ticked off, arms crossed over his chest. "Sapnap. You're being extremely rude right now and I'd love it if you'd stop talking about my husband that way." There was an edge to the shorter males voice, his eyes narrow.
The tension in the air was high, Karl was trying to mediate the situation but got nowhere with Sapnap's bickering and yelling. The demon's horns had warmed up, hot to the touch and his eyes were glowing a dark orange. "... Does he hurt you? I wouldn't be surprised if he does. He seems like the type of guy to do that to his partn-"
Quackity's wings spread out, and he took a step towards Sapnap. "Do NOT think for a SECOND that Schlatt would do so as put a finger on me without my permission." Another big step and he was in his boyfriends face. "Yes he may drink, everyone has their issues but that man, MY HUSBAND would never and I mean NEVER hurt me. At least he doesn't go around trash talking his husbands boyfriend, huh? You sound like a complete douchebag right now. Absolute garbage." He steps back, wings staying up. It was then that the avian noticed Schlatt, seeing the mixture of emotions in his eyes. "Apologize, Sapnap."
"I said apologize." Quackity points to his husband, and Sapnap turns. His face reddens and his eyes fade out as he spots Schlatt. "No! He doesn't deserve an apology." Karl gently nudged the demon, giving him a stern stare. "Y-You too?! You really think Schlatt deserves this?" "Just say it, Sapnap. Tubbo is right there."
Schlatt patted Tubbo's head softly before walking into the living room. "I don't want his pitiful apology." He stood a few feet away, behind the couch. "Let him rot in his words, I don't mind."
[I am too lazy to finish this is months old I'm sorry I'm trying to write more!! Thanks for all the reads and favorites btw! Its super cool to know people like this, even if it's slow chapters!]

Karlschlattnapity Shenanigans!
FanfictionSo recently I've found the ship Karlschlattnapity! It consists of Karl, Schlatt, Sapnap, and Quackity from the Dream SMP! (Obviously, its in the ship name haha) I've gotten really into it and have been writing a lot of headcanons/one-shots that I th...