Chapter 4

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"I tried calling you last night, and I knocked on your door, where were you?" Ruby attempts to whisper, but fails.

Multiple heads turn to face us since she interrupted the class listening to music selections. I glare at her, my way of telling her to keep it down, and our class goes back to the scene.

My interest is piqued by what the others chose for this scene. So far, I like mine the best. It's not because I'm completely self-absorbed. I genuinely feel the song Killian helped me choose by introducing me to its artist is the correct fit. But there is also the other part of my head telling me that perhaps everyone else is right and an upbeat pop song or instrumental piece is the way to go. I am my worst enemy with my work.

Ruby nudges me again to answer her question and I know she won't let up; so, I turn to give her my undivided attention.

"The walls are like fucking paper in that hotel. I couldn't study with it being so loud and I went to that bar next door to study from there," I whisper and attempt to maintain focus.


I roll my eyes at her. It's not to her liking because it's not a club. In my eyes, Henry's bar was perfect. I wish we had a place like his back home. Our university back in Maine is known for college partying, not bars where I can sit on a couch and read a book. If this career doesn't pan out, I may have to start my own... Bookworms and Brews.


I snap from my thoughts to once again focus on actual class work and to the man in front of the room. I really need to work on my distractions.

"You have heard what everyone has chosen for this scene. My top four will be listed on our class site tonight, and then everyone may place their vote for their favorite. You cannot choose your own, obviously. Your assignment for this weekend is scene three on page 16. Read it carefully! Some of you were way off and some of you were spot on with your first attempt. This is your career, people!" Professor Booth's voice booms. "Class dismissed!"

I pack up my bag as worry creeps into my brain. I really hope I was not one that was way off on this. Is that possible? I could see the scene and hear the music. Even today, it played out exactly as I had hoped. Maybe I should have watched my peers' expressions closer to gauge their enjoyment. I should have watched Booth.

"Want to go out tonight? I met some great guys last night that know of a club in some old castle. They can get us in." Ruby stands from the table, staring with a creepy smile and pleading eyes. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly she can make friends and trust that they won't murder her.

"Hell no. Did you hear him, Rube? What if I was way off?"

The panic in my voice is clear to her and me. Knowing me well, she uses her one free arm to pull me into a quick and comforting hug.

"Emma, you weren't off and you know it, okay? Don't beat yourself up over what he just said because he wasn't even talking to you. That song was great for that scene. Where did you find the artist? I've never even heard his voice before. His rasp gave me goosebumps, and those lyrics..."

We make our way past our peers, out of the room, and out to the bright green campus. What do I tell her? I'm definitely not telling her who I met yesterday, since I promised I wouldn't. Although, she is bound to see him in the hallway at some point. Does he really believe he can hide in a hotel filled with college students majoring in music and film?

"Some guy told me about the artist." I shrug, hugging my books closer to my chest. "I liked it, and I'm just hoping Professor Booth did too."

"You have nothing to worry about, unlike myself. So, anyway, come out with me?" she asks again, holding her hands up in prayer to plead.

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