Chapter 10

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‼️‼️Sexual Content‼️‼️

Killian and I watch the sunset from the beach the entire weekend, making it our place to escape—me from my schoolwork and him from popstar life. We kiss and we laugh, taking time getting to know each other and becoming closer than either of us had expected. Every night, we return to our own rooms, where we laugh and talk more through our shared wall. Every moment without him feels like a complete waste of time, because time right now is worth everything.

Sitting in Monday's class, it feels like the longest day of my life. All I want is to go back to the hotel and spend time with him. Instead, I'm stuck tuning out my professor's voice as he discusses what is left before graduation, as if I didn't already know. By the time lunch comes around, I have completely given up on being productive today.

"How was your date?" Ruby asks, tossing her lunch to the picnic table. I haven't spoken to her since she dressed me for success and sent me off to find Killian. "You haven't been in your room much. Like, every time I knock."

"Amazing." I nod and take a bite of my chicken salad croissant.

I don't know what else I can tell her. I hate keeping him a secret from her, but I understand why I need to. If people catch on to Killian being here, he will leave, and I lose even more time with him.

"You didn't even know that you won the in-class challenge. I saw your face when Tomlin announced. Did you even go back to your hotel room this weekend? Did you study?"

"I slept there every night," I snap at her accusing tone. "Just dates. We eat and watch the sunset from the beach, then I go back to the hotel."

I watch her swallow and then shift to look out over the campus lawn. That's the second time since being here that I snapped, and I immediately regret it.

"I'm sorry, Rube." I place my hand on her arm to take back her attention. "I'm just tired and you are correct. I didn't know that I won the extra credit. I didn't study at all because I fear losing any more time with him. I don't know what to do."

Admitting that to her felt like a bit of relief for the sake of our friendship and for my current sanity. When she places her own hand on top of mine and squeezes it, I feel like I could cry.

"Are you in love with him, Em?"

My stomach hurts as my frown quivers. I don't want to respond because that makes it real. My lack of response is all she needed, and I know she wants to lecture me.

"Two weeks," she reminds me, as if those two words were constantly on my mind.

Two weeks...not even.

"I know." Losing my appetite, I drop my sandwich back down to its wrapper and push it away. I push my fingers through my hair to gather it and then pull it into a messy ponytail using a hair bow from my wrist. Usually it's a calming action for me when I need to think, but not today.

"I'll stop bugging you about him. When I actually see you, you look happy and should be. I'm not trying to kill your buzz on this. I'm just worried because I've never seen you like this. School was first and now it's not."

"School is still first," I convince myself and hopefully her too.

She glances towards the screen of her phone with a roll of her eyes. "Oh yeah? We are going to be late for class. When was the last time you allowed that to happen?" She's right, and she knows it. Sighing, I toss my food to the trash bin beside us and stand from our table. What's even worse is that I would rather just skip what's left of the day. Today is too important and even has Ruby walking twice as fast to get to class on time.

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