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Mono couldn't stop thinking. Why was (Y/N) so worried about Six? She seemed fairly normal, the only unusual thing was breakfast that morning. He was definitely going to have to inquire further with them, there had to be a definitive reason as to why their hand was so limp in Six's as they tiptoed ahead of him.

As for Six, she knew Mono was suspicious. She knew (Y/N) had told him something. The fact of the matter was, Six had no intention of hurting either of them. She knew she couldn't hide it forever. Sooner or later they'll see her for who she truly was and then she'd be all alone. Again. Maybe she should've waited a while before she started to push them away. She hated how limp (Y/N) hand was in hers. She wished nothing more that they could all stay friends. But she didn't want to hurt them, after all friends protect each other from the worst parts of themselves. Right?

As for (Y/N), they were also lost in thought. What had changed so suddenly that Six would act this way. One second she was being creepy and the next she was back to her normal self; wanting hugs and bedtime stories. It was truly mind-boggling. 


I glanced back at Mono who seemed to snap out from a daze at the sudden movement. He smiles at me, and I smile back. Six's hand slips from my own and I glance over at her. Her eyelids are low and from what I could tell her eyes were glossed over. In that moment I saw the young, innocent, scared girl from when we first met. Sucking up my own fear, I took her hand once again and give it a small squeeze. 

We sit under a desk of sorts fit with a sink as the doctor went about his business on the ceiling. Slowly creeping on, we get to a vent of which I boost Mono up and return to hiding with Six.

"Sooo..." She plays with her fingers, looking up at me through her bangs. "How are you..?"

"Good, and you?"

"Yeah... yeah..." Things went quiet. I had never felt such a crushing awkward feeling and I'm already an awkward human. 

Beeping sounded from the other room and the thunder of the doctors surprise followed it as he went to check it out. Mono sneaks back into the room and grabs my hand as we sprint to the back of the room, Six close in tow. We quietly climb up the mortuary, grabbing a fuse that we toss down to Six. She catches it and continues on.

"You okay?" Mono stops me, eyebrows drawn in worry.

"Yeah... I'm good." I reply, placing a light kiss on his cheek before dropping down after Six. Replacing the fuse, the three of us take off through a jail-like door, sprinting through the small gap. We skid under a set of shelves, hearing it crash down behind us as we are chased through the hall. Objects flying around us, narrowly missing our beings, we continue to run, lungs burning with lack of oxygen from our non-stop movement. Jumping off a tilted hospital bed thing, I follow Six under more shelves, Mono practically breathing down my neck as we slid under a row of beds, crawling like our lives depended on it. Well... they did... The beds were being crushed behind us, almost catching Mono's heels as we escape. Me and Six run, hiding in the corner of the room as Mono leads the monster into the oven like the witch did in Hansel and Gretel. The second the doctor was in, we emerge, I immediately go to Mono's aid, pulling him out of the furnace as Six slams the door shut. We sit for a second, heaving as the doctor banged on the door. I lurch forwards, wrapping my arms around the two other survivors I had come this far with, and we stayed there; wrapped in each others embrace. 

Coming to the decision to leave him alive (much to my disliking), we call the elevator, going further up than we had been before. Down yet another shadowed hall and into what looked like a waiting area, more mannequins littered every here and there. Mono stalks up to one.

"Look at this freaky thing. Glad I didn't have to run into any of these." He laughs, climbing atop one. In the moment, his shadow covered it's head, giving it permission to turn and screech at him. He tumbles off it, falling to his rump with a thump as me and Six bust into laughter at his idiocy. "Not funny." He had his bag on but by his tone I could tell he was pouting which made me laugh even more.


"Hey! I thought we had an agreement!" He huffs, removing his bag and sending me a playful glare. "No more calling me dumbass, love."

"Ewwww! Guys stahp! Stob it!" Six fake wretched at us before running away as me and Mono took off after her. She climbed up and out of a pre-opened window, closing it behind her and slowing me and Mono down. Once we opened it, we were out in the cold. At some point it had started raining, but we didn't care. Playing tag with one another and forgetting our woes for a while was all that played in our mind. Tackling each other and rolling around on the floor, piggy back rides and piggy in the middle with a random can we found. 

It was like being kids all over again.

And I never wanted it to end.

All good things must come to an end.


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