🌸Miu's advice🌸

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It was a couple days after the end of the 2nd class trial took place. I sat at a table in the back of the dining hall. Normally, we would all meet here in the mornings, but I suppose most of us had given up on that, especially since Kirumi was gone, so there was no promise of breakfast.

Today, only Himiko, Tenko, Keebo, Miu, Angie, Tsumugi, and I were gathered.

I sat hunched over a semi-crumpled piece of paper that I had found by my door this morning. Looking at the signature, Kaito had been the culprit that had slipped it into my room the previous night.

Taking a closer look, the note read; "Meet me in my dorm a little before our training time, I have something important to tell u. :)" The handwriting was pretty sloppy and for some reason he couldn't be bothered to write out all of the word "you."

"Whatcha lookin' at Pooichi?"

I hear a familiar voice and familiar insulting nickname come from behind my shoulder.

"Oh, nothing important Miu." I quickly hid the note from Miu, nervous she might take it from me or something. She's always trying to find a way to embarrass me.

She took a seat next to me, crossing her legs and leaning her shoulder on the table.

"You're no fun." She teased.

I simply rolled my eyes at her behavior. Miu and I are kinda best friends I guess, so this is nothing new.

"Got bored of Keebo already?" I tease back at her, trying to steer the conversation away from my note.

"Ugh I don't even know why I still come here in the first place." She sighed.

"We could hang out today if you want to Miu." I suggested. We always end up hanging out no matter what anyway. I mean, there's really not much to do here otherwise.

"Yeah I guess I could spend my precious time with you." She laughed.

"Hey, wanna come see my lab today? I'm working on something special!"

Knowing Miu, that can't entail anything good.

"Do I have a choice?" I whined playfully.

Miu grabbed my arm, lifted me out of my seat, and practically dragged me out of the dining hall.

After basically running, we made it to Miu's lab.

"Here, you can take a seat over by my desk."

Her desk was actually in the middle of the room and was covered in all sorts of parts, tools, and half-finished inventions it seemed. Some of them more-interesting than others.

"Erm, Miu-" I picked up one of the gadgets off the desk. It looked sort of like a gun mixed with a megaphone.

"Oh, that? That's my pantie teleporter!" She exclaimed in response.

"Y-your what now?!"

"Would ya like me to demonstrate?" She offered excitedly.

"Miu, can this thing teleport anything?"

"No idiot! I just said, it's a pantie teleporter!"

Miu has literally invented teleportation for that?! Well, now to be honest, that sounds like something she'd do.

"Uh, right. So what is this intervention you actually wanted to show me anyways?" I asked, getting back on topic.

"Ya know those big robotic arms we found in Ryoma's lab the other day?"

"Y-yeah?" I responded wearily, having no clue where she planned to go with this.

"Well I'm modifying them into a sort of backpack like attachment, so I can have them on me at all times, like a whole extra set of hands!"

🌸Confessions-Saimota🌸Where stories live. Discover now