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Kaito's POV
I couldn't sleep all night. I spent the whole time thinking about Shuichi and what he said. "Was it obvious?" "Should I have known?" Though my thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the Monokubs' voices booming over the loudspeaker, informing me it was now the morning.

I groggily got out of bed, my head spinning. I wasn't sure how I was gonna face him today, or if I even could. I contemplated skipping going to the dining hall all together, but I knew avoiding him would only make things worse.

So, I reluctantly headed over to the dining hall where to my surprise and some-what disappointment, Shuichi was nowhere to be found.

Miu immediately noticed my puzzled expression and answered the question I had been wondering; "Shuichi's not gonna be here this morning, Kaito."

My heart sank at her words, assuming it was my fault Shuichi wasn't here, especially by Miu's tone of voice.

"Awwww, he's not? That's too bad~" Kokichi chimed in, pouting.

Everyone ignored his remark, and I took a seat next to Miu instead of my usual seat next to Maki. Things were kinda awkward between Maki and I too, and I wanted to ask Miu some more questions.

After we ate our breakfast and had our normal morning discussion, I was finally able to talk to Miu.

"So what's up with Shu?" I ask, elbowing her.

"Ugh, you should know you big idiot." She scoffed.

"Is it cuz of what he told me last night?" I gulped.

"Eee~ so you did hear him!" She exclaimed. "Then do you have an answer for him?!"

Miu seemed awfully excited about a subject that didn't even involve her.

"Yeah well, that's the problem, I don't really have one." I muttered.

"GOD, of course you don't" She replied, leaning her head on the table. "He's never gonna come out of my room."

"He's staying with you?" I asked, a bit taken aback by her last statement.

"Duh, I'm his best friend after all." She said, more cheerily than expected from her.

"Well, who do you like then, Miu?" I have to be honest, I was a little jealous of her title of "Shuichi's best friend" so I guess this question came from the desire for payback.

"Y-you'd just tell him." She huffed, back in her normal tone of voice.

"Aw c'mon Miuuuuu." I jokingly pleaded.

She hesitated for a moment, burying her head in her arms her head had been placed in before she replied; "Well, maybe it'll get you to realize if you like him or not if I tell ya."


Her voice was muffled since she hadn't lifted her head when she spoke, but I could still make out what she said, but the statement itself confused me.

"You're even more oblivious than I thought you were." She finally tilted her head out of her arms, still letting it rest on the table. "It's Shuichi you dumbass."

"I need you to take me to see him after this, Miu." I demanded.

I didn't know how she was gonna react, but I definitely didn't expect her to laugh in my face.

"Ahahaha! I knew it!" She exclaimed. "I knew if I told you you'd realize."

I finally understood what she had said before. "Hey wait, does that mean you don't actually like him?"

"No, no, that part was true..." She blushed, turning her head away from me.

I placed my hand on her back causing her to turn her head back around to face me once more.

"I uh, I get how it feels Miu. And I know it must be worse for you, since you've probably never been rejected." I laughed. It was never good at comforting people, which probably made everything worse on sensitive Shuichi.

"It's not like I've ever told him, I could tell he liked you from the start." She gave me a smile as she said that, though I could tell she wanted to cry.

I rubbed her back (ew why does that sound weird) not knowing what else I could do to make her feel any better.

"How about we go see Shuichi?" She asked, obviously attempting to get out of this situation.

I nodded and we both stood up in unison to leave the dining hall. On our way out we had to pass by Maki, who only glared at me as we walked past. She looked sorta angry though she seemed totally cool last night. I tried to just shake it off as we left through the large double doors.

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