🌸Secret's out🌸

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A/N: WOAH, TYSM FOR OVER 100 READS WHAT?! YA'LL ARE AMAZING! Also, sorry for the lack of updates, i've just been pretty busy and unmotivated lately :p

I followed her shortly after, heading to my room, and flopping down onto my bed. Then, not only a minute later, I heard a gentle knock on my door. I could hear my heart pounding since the probability of it being anyone other than one of those two was extremely low.

I slowly walked towards the door and turned the knob, only to find who I was most afraid of seeing; Shuichi.

"Hey Kaito, I um, know you most likely don't wanna see me right now, but I just wanted to make sure you were ok, since you said you weren't feeling well earlier."

I could see his cheeks were a little pink and he was fidgeting with his hands.

"You-came to check on me? That's really sweet of you!" I beamed, which only seemed to make Shuichi more embarrassed.

"Oh yeah, well you seem alright so, I'm sorry to bother." He replied.

"You wanna come in?" I offered, trying to make him more comfortable.


"Yeah, c'mon!" I exclaimed, giving him a big thumbs up.

He slowly walked in, sitting on the bed as he had done before.

"Um, sorry for earlier." He muttered.

"Is everything alright with you, Shuichi?" I responded, ignoring his apology.

"Huh?!" He said, as if surprised I would ask such a simple question.

I sighed and shook my head before reaching my arms around his thin body, pulling him into a hug.

"Ngh, Kaito-!" He exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Shu." I asked in a harsher tone than intended. It wasn't like Shuichi to be like this around me. "What happened to building up your confidence, huh?" I still held him to me, being sure not to loosen my grip for even a moment.

"It's nothing to worry you about Kaito..." He said quietly.

I finally let go of him and instead placed my hands on his shoulders and once again shook my head in disappointment. "You can tell me." I gazed into his eyes as I spoke, I never really noticed how large they were. He also had like, really long lashes, making him look kind of girly. (They always talk about Shuichi's eyelashes in fanfics, I felt like I had to add something about them lmao.) "Damn, he is kinda cute-" That thought re-entered my mind. I was kinda confused though, I mean, I never thought I'd be thinking that about a guy. But it probably didn't mean anything, lots of things are cute and I'm not attracted to them! Like dogs, dogs are cute! (ok so, I put dogs because I always associate them with Joe Tazuna and when I think of Joe I think of Kaito ahdfslkahda.)

I realized I had been spacing out for a while when Shuichi finally spoke again; "I like someone, Kaito."

"Eh?" I asked, still half spacing out. "Oh-oh! So is that why you've been acting all weird lately?"

He silently nodded his head in response.

"Well, who is it?!"


I just continued to stare at him, still holding his shoulders, though now it was a much more relaxed grip. Shuichi looked kinda confused for some reason at yet another simple and obvious question.

"Ya really just gonna keep it a secret?" I asked, a little disappointed.

Shuichi tensed up and started blushing again. "Um-I have to go." He took my arms off of his shoulders and hurried toward the door to my room.

"Um Shu, wait, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable again-!" I called out to him, turning to face him.

"It's you, Kaito!" He blurted out before quickly turning to knob and running out of the room.

Shuichi likes...me?

Shuichi's POV

I ran over to Miu's room, praying Kaito wouldn't come out of his room before I arrived there. I pounded on the door, fidgeting with my again while I waited, hoping she hadn't fallen asleep yet. I suddenly felt tears forming in my eyes, god I'm so pathetic. But before I could stop them, Miu arrived, slamming the door open angrily.

"UGh, Pooichi, is that you?" She asked, holding the door wide open with one hand and standing so that she took up the whole door frame. She was wearing a hot pink nightgown with a matching sleep mask sloppily draped on her head. Judging by this, and how messy her hair was, I presumed that I had woken her up.

"S-s-sorry." I managed to stutter out through tears.

"Oh fuck, come in." She said, now more awake.

She moved out of the doorway so I could come through. I had been to Miu's dorm many times before, it was basic, just like mine, but she got a mirror added to her room and makeup was spread out all over her desk.

"You told him I assume?" She asked, flopping down on the bed next to me.

"Sort of..."

"The hell does that mean?!" She huffed.

"I didn't wait for his response and I don't even really know if he heard me, Miu." I replied.

"You absolute pussy, I knew you wouldn't be able to do it." She said, rolling her eyes. "But at least you tried."

I looked up at her and saw her smiling though her arms were crossed.

"C'mon Pooichi, you can stay here tonight. I'll go get us some ice-cream." She said, throwing a remote in my lap. "You can put on whatever you want."

"Miu, where do you keep ice-cream?" I laughed.

"I won this baby from the Monomono Machine of course!" She beamed, patting the mini fridge that was sitting on the floor by her desk.

I smiled back at her, knowing I'd always have Miu to rely on.

🌸Confessions-Saimota🌸Where stories live. Discover now