🌸Kaito's note🌸

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I couldn't tell if she was acting this point, it seemed so sincere. Her eyes seemed to glimmer as she looked up at me.

"I think i'm in love with you, Kaito." I suddenly blurted out, feeling my face warm up.

Miu seemed kind of confused at first, but soon snapped back into reality, still not letting go of my hands. "There ya go Shuichi! W-wasn't my acting fan-fucking-tastic?!" Her voice seemed a bit shaky though her words were nothing but confident. "Now remember not to do anything too crazy on the first date!" She teased, sticking out her tongue.

Sometimes I feel like Miu likes to cover stuff up with dirty jokes. I mean, just moments ago she totally seemed nervous about something, and now she's just back to her normal self. She still hadn't let go of my hands, she just stayed perfectly still, still leaning her body nearly on top of me.

"M-Miu, you can let go now." I laughed.

Her face started to glow pink as the words left my mouth and she quickly leaped back, finally releasing her clasped hands from mine.

"What, was simply holding my hand too exciting for you?" She didn't look at me as she spoke, trying to once again cover up her embarrassment by teasing me.

"Alright Pooichi, now what are ya gonna do after you accept his confession or whatever."

"A-after?" I suppose I hadn't thought that far ahead.

"Oh god, what did you expect? You were just gonna walk away after that?" She replied snappily, seeming totally back to her normal self now.

"S-so what do I do then Miu?" Though knowing her she's probably going to recommend something that I don't wanna do.

"Just hang out with him! Watch a movie or something. He's just confessed, obviously he wants to be with you! Just remember not to go too fast, Kaito can be fragile." She laughed.

For once, Miu gave some good advice. Though I wasn't sure if she was implying what I thought in that last part.

"Th-thanks actually Miu." I respond.

"Hey, ya wanna grab some lunch before you go sulk in your room or whatever you do during the day?" She asked.

I frowned at the remark she added but agreed to have lunch with her today.

Miu and I laughed and chatted as we munched on our food. A lot of the time it was actually really fun to hang out with her. If it weren't for Kaito, I suppose I would consider Miu my best friend. I mean we always ended up hanging out during the day, and when you got to know her, she was actually a really kind and fun person. (A/N: Can you tell I collected all of Miu's friendship fragments lol) She told me more about her new inventions, she seemed to be very proud of everything she made, even though her inventions were mostly utterly useless. But I did like having someone to hang out with so I wasn't complaining.

"Well i'm stuffed." Miu announced, putting her legs on top of the table, leaning back in her.

"Heh Miu, are you sure you should be doing that?"

She pointed to the sign hanging behind me stating the rules of the Dining Hall Monokuma had set. "I don't see anything that says I can't!"

I just rolled my eyes at her once again and giggled.

I then noticed her looking down at the table, a little worried. "Hey Shuichi, you didn't eat, like, anything."

"Oh yeah, guess I just wasn't hungry." I replied wearily.

"Are you nervous?" She asked, sounding sincere.

"Um I guess a little." I laughed.

"Hey it'll be ok, you got this Shuichi!" She smiled, now leaning her chest on the table rather than her legs.

I just nodded, not used to Miu actually attempting to make me feel better.

"Well I guess I'll be off now." I added, starting to stand up.

"Hey wait!" Miu exclaimed, leaping to her feet as well.

She then came over to the side of the table I was on and stretched her arms around me, embracing me in a hug.


"I believe in you bestie!" She said, hugging me tighter.

I slowly put my arms around her back and hugged her in return.

Not soon after, she let go and gave me a wave goodbye, skipping out the door.

"Bestie, huh?" I laughed to myself at the nickname. I guess she really does care about me.

I spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Kokichi and Kiyo.

Kokichi insisted we play some stupid game once again and Kiyo showed me around his new lab, going on about some "Caged Child" ritual of some sort he had found in a book. He seemed awfully excited about his discovery.

But soon enough, the nighttime announcement came on over the speakers, implying it was time to go see Kaito. Strangely enough, I actually hadn't seen him around at all today, nor had I seen Maki.

I didn't particularly like Maki very much. Not that I hated her or anything, she just always seemed to be around, and most of the time borderline threatening me. But come to think of it, maybe it was just my jealousy talking. Maki was indeed very close to Kaito, though I'm still unsure of their relationship. The more I thought about it, the more worried I became that Miu was completely wrong. I mean, why would Kaito choose me over someone strong and confident like Maki? For a moment I thought about just blowing off Kaito, but quickly realized I couldn't do that to him.

So I gulped and slowly walked out the door and into the dark, empty room. Kaito's dorm was directly above mine, so I quickly jogged up the short staircase and arrived in front of his door.

*knock knock*

I could feel my heart racing as well as my whole body shaking as I waited for him to answer.

He got there faster than I expected, seeing as he normally took quite a while to get himself ready.

"Ah Shuichi, you came! Thank god." She said with a huge smile on his face, holding the door open with one hand. "Come in!"

I walked in, holding my head down in an attempt to not show my red face. I could tell my shaking was very visible, but Kaito was normally the oblivious type.

"S-so what's up Kaito?" I asked nervously, standing only a few feet away from the door where he still stood.

"Here, sit down with me." He said, now walking over to the bed.

I did as asked and sat down next to him on the edge of said bed. I suppose there really wasn't anywhere else to sit in our dorms, Monokuma didn't even provide more than a single chair in our rooms.

"I wanna ask you a question, Shu." He continued.

"Oh, y-yeah sure." I responded, still trying to hide my face from his.

"Well uh-what do ya think about Maki?"

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