🌸Maki Roll🌸

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I could feel my heart sink into my chest from those simple words. I should've known this is what it would be all about.

"So you like her, huh?" I replied.

"Yeah, I guess I do." He laughed.

"Well whatever makes you happy, Kaito. I'm sure you guys would be great together, I don't know why you needed to ask for my advice." I squeezed my hands in my lap, trying not to cry.

"I thought we agreed to talk to each other about everything, so of course I would ask you!" He exclaimed.

I just dropped my head to look at my hands, not bothering to say anything in response. If I did, I might burst into tears right on the spot.

Kaito must've noticed something was wrong because only moments later I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "What's wrong, bro?"

I contemplated for a moment. Maybe now was the chance to finally tell him! But the more I thought, the more I realized it would only end in embarrassment and rejection.

"N-nothing." I muttered.

Kaito's POV (woahhhhh we're finally changing POV, I know.)

I could tell Shuichi was lying, he wouldn't even look at me. What did I do wrong?

"We should get going..." He said softly. And before I had a chance to reply, he started to stand up and walk over to the door.

"Hey Shu, hold on now-!" I said as I ran after him. He was already at the door, so the only way I could think of stopping him from leaving was to pin him against it. I wasn't much taller than him, probably only a few inches, but he sank down a little, bending his knees so that I completely towered over him.

"K-Kaito!" He breathily yelled. He finally looked up at me, exposing his bright red face.

We stared at each other for a few moments, both staying perfectly still, before I slowly backed away from the door.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He exclaimed, looked down at the floor, clasping his hands to his chest.

"N-no, it's fine man, don't worry about it. L-let's just get going."

I have to admit, I was blushing a bit too. I mean, it was embarrassing that's all. Well, I guess Shu was kinda cute like that...no homo.

We both made our way to the courtyard where Maki was already waiting, tapping her foot.

"You're late." She said sternly, crossing her arms.

Shuichi finally looked up from the ground and replied, "It's my fault, sorry about that, Maki."

Maki only sighed and told us to begin. Despite being the one to make us start training, it seemed like I had only become weaker as the days went on. I'd started to become kinda sick lately, but I didn't want to worry anyone yet.

"Kaito, you're slacking off again." Maki scolded.

"Hehe, sorry Maki-Roll, just not feeling well."

I saw Shuichi wince at my words. I wasn't sure if he was concerned for my health or just unhappy with Maki's nickname.

"Will you stop calling me that..."

I only laughed at her until she continued talking, "Alright, well I think it's time we get going."

Shuichi was the first to stand up, probably eager to get out of the situation. He was the type to get easily flustered, so he was probably still worked up over what happened in my dorm.

"Cya, Shuichi." Maki said, waving to him. He silently waved back and briskly walked towards the dorms.

"Hey, uh, Maki, can I talk to ya for a sec?"

"If you insist."

I gulped and ended up coughing slightly, I had planned for this to be the night I confessed to Maki. But when I went to speak, I couldn't shake the thought of Shuichi out of my head.


"What is it, idiot?" She said, becoming impatient.

When I really looked at her stern, cold face, I realized I couldn't do it.

"Uh, nevermind." I sighed, rubbing my hand behind my head.

"Well then, goodnight, Kaito." She replied, hitting her hand against my shoulder as she walked away.

A/N: I know this one is a lot shorter than my previous two but i've been busy lately ahfakldaakabfaldh

A/N 2: Thank you so much for your nice comments! It makes me really happy that people are enjoying it!

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