Are you drunk?

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I suspected that work would be hectic as we prepared for the interview, but I didn't think that it'd be this hectic. I have not seen my desk in over four days because of how busy I have been, I have also not seen or heard from Harry. I think it has to do with the fact that I ignored his requests to go home that day when Darien and I went for food.

Still, I expected to be punished not to be ignored. He didn't even see the text I sent him after I arrived home.

Maybe it was okay that we spent time apart. He was beginning to get on my nerves with the whole 'I don't own you but I'm still going to act like I do' attitude. I had much bigger worries to be focused on than why my dominant wasn't asking to fuck me.

My dominant? My brain is all over the place right now, I don't even know what I'm saying. Aside from that, I have also been thinking about what Darien said about being part of the auction myself. It was crazy to think about myself up on a stage, waiting to be bid on by some rich old man. I mean it is for a good cause. Mr. Roberts had actually himself suggested that I participate along with Lea, I thought it'd be a good opportunity since I wouldn't be alone so without thinking, I agreed.

On my way home I spoke with my mother and caught up. She asked if I'd be going back home for my birthday to which I had completely forgotten about. But that I more than likely would not since my birthday lands on the weekdays and I have work. I didn't mind though, I never really cared to celebrate it.

Just another year closer to menopause.

When I go to unlock my front door, I find that it is locked and I immediately panic. I was in a hurry this morning because I overslept and rushed to work, but I could've sworn I locked it. When I open the door, the lights are on and I see a mop of curls peek from the couch. I sigh a breath of relief but also, what the fuck.

"Um, hello?" I call out to him and he doesn't turn, he just brings a glass to his lips and when I get closer, he's got a bottle of whiskey on the coffee table in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting," he hums and turns to look at me, a faint smile on his lips. "For you."

I drop my keys on the kitchen island and furrow my eyebrows. "Okay..." I tail off. "How did you get in?"

"Come." He sets his glass down. I hesitate but walk closer, he holds his hands out to me and I hesitantly take it. "I hate this distance between us. It's unethical and quite honestly, the drive here bores me."

"What are you talking about?" I raise an eyebrow. "Are you drunk?" His pupils did appear dilated and not from the usual lust filled ones.

He shakes his head. "I'm on my second." I look away from him momentarily to find that next to the bottle of whiskey was a tiny ziplock baggie with residue of white substance. I turn to him in shock as I pick up the baggie.

"Is this coke?" I ask in disbelief. "Did you do coke?" My heart was racing. "And you're drinking?" I take the glass away and throw it down the drain.

Harry groans. "That is a limited edition bottle of Jack Daniels, it's more expensive than this apartment." He comes over to where I am on the sink, disposing of the bottle.

"I'm sure it won't be an issue for you to replace it then." I remark. "Cocaine is already dangerous enough and you mixing it with alcohol doesn't make it any better!"

"I was just waiting for you," he says. "It's not my fucking fault you took so long to get here!" I am taken aback by his words and I have to remind myself that it's the coke talking.

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