Don't manipulate me, Beau

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Who knew silence could be so loud. We have all been sitting in it for what felt like hours just staring at nothing. I wanted to do nothing but disappear into the couch and never come out. I was thankful when William broke the silence by clearing his throat and standing up. "Well," he begins. "I'm going to take Beau home, thank you for dinner Barbara." He thanks his step mother and grabs my wrist to help me up, I briefly pull away and stand behind him.

"Thank you for having me, I know it must've been unexpected." I say to her and she smiles.

"Anytime dear," she says. William turns to Joseph.

"I'll see you." He says and exchange a somewhat awkward handshake. As we bid our final goodbyes, we reach his red car in silence. I could tell he didn't know what to say with what Harry shouted him about. I almost expected to see him parked outside still, but he was not. I get in the passenger, the cold leather causing chills on my skin. "Well this night went to shit."

"It was bound to." I remark and he turns to me.

"What does that mean?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Well other than the fact that I told you I did not want to come because I wanted to stay at my mothers should've been enough reason." I reply and he looks away, biting the inside of his cheek.

"So let me get this straight," he begins and I know this will spark a fight. "You bitch at me all month for not seeing you but the moment I'm back you bitch at me for wanting to see you on your birthday?"

"I am not having the same fucking fight with you, William." I warn. "Just drive me home." I needed to go over to Harry's to explain myself. He looked betrayed and shocked to see me and quite rightfully so. I sigh out and lay my head back on the headrest of my seat.

"Is this really how you want to spend your birthday?" He questions.

"Well I would've preferred to spend it at my mom's but that didn't happen." I bite back and he groans in annoyance before he hits the stirring wheel harshly causing it to honk. I look to him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know when you turned into such a fucking bitch—"

"And I don't know when you got fucking comfortable enough to disrespect me like nothing. Okay? I don't know what your fucking issue is, but you better fucking fix it and fast." I spit. I was terrified being alone with him, I just wanted to get home. "Either you drive me home or I'll take an Uber there."

Without another word, he puts the car in reverse and gets out of the driveway harshly before putting it in drive and drives out of the community, the roaring of the engine and the speeding would be enough to wake the whole neighborhood and call in complaints. I ignored his tantrum and faced the window, watching as the houses quickly pass by. After about an hour and a half, we arrive to my apartments and I immediately get out. I hear him roll the window.

"Don't fucking walk away Beau, we still have shit to talk about!" He barks as I walk away. I turn.

"No we don't, I don't know how else I could make this any fucking clear for you. We are over, write it down and shove it up your ass maybe you'll understand then since you seem to have your head up there too." I ignore his shouting of my name and go inside the doors, waiting out until I hear the roaring of his car speeding away. Once I'm certain that he's gone, I go out into the parking lot and get in my car that had been sitting here for a week.

I quickly get in and start my drive to Harry's, nervousness running through my system. I wasn't sure how he would react after having seen me at his parents and after I left without a trace. I knew all too well that I had some explaining to do and to be honest, I didn't know how to. I had no idea why I did what I did it was sort of on impulse. Maybe I thought I was fine to the point where I actually wasn't and I didn't want to fully deteriorate in front of him.

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