The Peace Lily

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"I assume you have everything?" My mother asks as she helps me load the last box of my belongings into the backseat of my car, or at least tried making it fit, we had to push the door closed with force.

I look up, removing hair that was sticking to my face due to the sweat. "Yeah, I've got it." I say with a smile. I had recently graduated from college with a bachelors degree in journalism.

It was a good thing my parents had good jobs and helped put me through college all four years. "I can't believe the day finally came." She says, her blue eyes swelling up with tears making me groan.

"Mom." I warn but she waves me off and pulls me into a hug. "I'll literally be back for Christmas." I say and I feel her nod against me. "Okay, stop now or I will leave."

"Okay." She says, wiping her tears. "Make sure you call me every night, okay?" I nod. I'd be sad too, except I'm not because I'll literally be an hour away.

But I refuse to say a thing because I wouldn't want her to give me the talk about how valuable family is. She holds my cheeks in her hand, gives me a smile and lets go of me. My father wouldn't act like this, which is why he's off at work.

"I'm going now." I say and walk towards the passenger side of my car. I don't have to look back because I can see a clear view of my mother, waving at me through the mirror. I roll my eyes but smile at her regardless before I pull out and drive off.

This would be the first time I would be away from home on my own, I was twenty-four and was ready for this new chapter of my life. Since I was younger, I was obsessed with magazines and writing, so I only saw it fit that I'd try to achieve something in that category.

Naturally, journalism was the way to go. I remember my endless dreams about becoming the best journalist, writing sections for VOGUE and many other famous magazines. I really wanted this, and I was going to get it for myself.

"I think this will do us good," I say, keeping my gaze to the road ahead of me. "There's a window in the apartment and the sun just shines right through, just for you." I look to the side to my Peace Lily plant. I had made sure to secure the seatbelt around it, just in case.

After about an hour, I had made it to the apartment complex. I already had most of my things in the apartment, I just picked up what was left of it. I knew it would be a workout, since my apartment was on the fifth floor, I would have to take the elevator a lot.

And that's what I did. I placed every one of my boxes in front of the elevator, saying my apologies to the people getting off that they had to walk over them. Once I have all my boxes gathered, I huff out air and place my hair in a bun and begin loading the empty elevator with every single one.

Right as I was about to put in the last one, the doors close, not giving me enough time to get in. "Shit, no!" I groan, kicking the door with my foot as I tried to balance the box and my plant. I wait until it comes back around, hoping that nobody took that as an opportunity to go through my things.

When the elevator dings, I hear a chuckle. "So that explains it." There was humor in the man's tone which only annoyed me.

"Glad my dilema is amusing to you, stranger." I say.

"Here." I see his hands grab the pot and remove the plant so that I am able to see, my eyes immediately landing on his neatly pressed suit before they trail up to his face. "Would you like some help?"

I look away from his piercing green eyes, feeling the heat rush to my face before clearing my throat. "I would like some help, please." I say and he steps aside for me to get in the elevator.

The space was tight and I almost tripped over one of my boxes. "Somehow, I don't think this is safe." He says, looking around the floor at all my boxes. "Should've taken the stairs."

"Do I look like I'd survive various trips to the lobby, just to get my boxes all the way to the fifth floor?"

"I take it you're moving in?" He says in a joking manner, but I saw no humor in this. "Sorry, I'm Harry Styles."

"Beau Smith," I reply. "So, do you live here too?"

"Oh, no." he shakes his head. "Just visiting." I nod at this and right as silence falls, the doors open to reveal two more people. "It appears weight limit has exceeded."

The doors close. "I hope I'm not keeping you from something important?" I say in almost a question. He had a suit and it appeared as though he was on his way to somewhere.

He looks at me and shrugs. "I've got time to spare." As we reach my floor, I hold the doors open as Harry takes out the boxes. "Lead the way." He says, a few boxes in his hand and I carried the plant.

I walk down the hallway, looking for my apartment number, 362. When I find it, I unlock it and go inside with Harry on my trail. "So, what's with the plant?" He asks as we walk back to grab more boxes.

"Oh, it was a home welcoming gift from my mother." I say, picking up boxes. We do this three more times before I walk with him to retrieve the last box.

"Where are you coming from?" He asks, setting down the box on the kitchen island.

"I am coming from—" Wait, I don't know this guy. "You know what? You don't need to know."

At this, he chuckles lowly causing a chill to run down my spine. "Well then at least tell me; what brings you to The Big Apple, Beau?" Was he flirting? He's flirting.

"I am here to work as a journalist." This man intrigued me. "Can I offer you anything to drink?"

"No thank you," he says. "I actually have to get going." Harry makes his way to the open door, getting out but stopping.

"Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. I would've been down there for hours." I smile but he only stares at me, his eyes boring into mine that I am forced to look away. "So..."

"I'll see you around, Beau." Is what he says in almost a seductive way, before he sends a small hint of a smirk my way. I am left watching the back of his head as he walks away, his curls bouncing slightly with each step.

When he's out of sight, it's like I am taken out of a trance. Tomorrow I would be starting my new job at Issue 8, a publishing company and if I want to look presentable, I should probably take a shower now and go to bed.

I made sure to water my plant before going into my bedroom. My mattress was on the floor, the railings were stacked off to the side on the other side of the room.

I ignore it and head for the bathroom.

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